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14 4 Vol. 14 No .4 2007 8 Research of Soil and Water Conservation Aug . , 2007 曾 佳, 石豫川, 叶 斌 ( , 610059) : , , , , : ; ; :T V731; TU311 : A : 1005-3409(2007) 04-0219-04 Stabili ty Evaluation of Debris Located on the Left Dam-abutment of Some Hydropower Station in Sichuan Province ZENG Jia, SHI Yu-chuan, YE Bin ( Colleg e of E nv ir onment and Civ il E ng ineer ing , Cheng d u Un iv er sity of T echnology , Cheng d u 610059, Ch ina) Abstract: The debris located in the upper of the left dam-abutment, Xixi River in Sichuan province. The stability of the debris affects not only the dam construction, but also the security of the key building direct- ly. Its stability analysis is imminent ow ing to many surface cracks. T he stability of the debris w as evaluated based on geological mapping, geotechnical site investigation and the crag earth experiment and so on. Key words: debris; crack; stability / 0 , , , 1 740 m1 720 m , 1 720~ N5b~ 10bW/ NE N 25b~ 40b, 1 740 m, 5~ 25 m , , , , 2 , , 2. 1 , , 1 30~ 40 cm, 1 m, , , , 20~ 70b, - - , : , Ñ: 1~ 2 m, , : 2007- 03-13 : 曾佳( 1982- ) , 男, 2004 级成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院毕业生, 岩土工程专业现成都理工大学2005 级硕士研究生, 研究方向为地 工程 # 220 # 14 60% ~



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