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语音评估算法介绍 MOS以及语音评估算法 MOS: Mean Opinion Score MOS评分值的范围为『1,5』 ITU语音评估算法标准有:PAMS、PSQM、PSQM+、MNB、PESQ(Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality) 不同语音评估算法性能比较-与MOS的相关性对比(1) 不同语音评估算法性能比较-与MOS的相关性对比(2) 不同语音评估算法性能比较-与MOS的相关性对比(3) 不同语音评估算法性能比较-误差统计(4) 结论 PESQ是目前最为先进和准确的语音评估算法; 原来的语音评估算法不适合于测试网络,特别是VoIP网络; 原来的语音评估算法在如下条件方面不能有很好的效果: Speech clipping Background noise Packet loss in VoIP network Filtering in analogue elements (such as handset or 2-wire access loop) Variable delay (common in VoIP) PESQ介绍 PESQ: Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality; 国际电联(ITU)P.862推荐的语音评估最新算法; PESQ处理过程1 PESQ处理过程2 Level alignment In order to compare the signals, the reference speech signal and the degraded signal should be at the same, constant power level. Input filtering PESQ models the receive path of the telephone handset using an input filter. This takes account of the effect of the electrical and acoustic components of the handset. Time alignment The system under test may include a delay, which may be variable. In order to compare the reference and degraded signals, they need to be lined up with each other. PESQ处理过程3 Auditory transform In order to compare the reference and degraded signals, taking account of how a listener would have heard them, each is passed through an auditory transform that mimics certain key properties of human hearing. This gives a representation in time and frequency of the perceived loudness of the signal, known as the sensation surface. Disturbance processing The difference between the sensation surfaces for the reference and degraded files is known as the error surface; this shows any audible differences introduced by the system under test. the absolute (symmetric) disturbance: a measure of absolute audible error the additive (asymmetric) disturbance: a measure of audible errors that are much louder than the reference Quality Scores PESQ语音评估结果有三种版本 PESQ Score:根据ITU P.862计算得出 PESQ-LQ:按照MOS比例给出的结果 PESQ-Ie:是损耗因子,Ie是E-Model的输入参数 PESQ-LQ和PESQ-Ie是根据PESQ Score通过公式