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论5洼地6中的历史创伤书写 : 5洼地6是当代英国小说家格雷厄姆# 斯威夫特颇受评论界关注的一部作品评 论者 都认为小说对历史叙事和历史哲学的思考呼应了以海登# 怀特为代表的新历史主义 学家的诸多观点然而, 5洼地6不仅展现了/ 史学元小说0的某些特点, 而且小说叙述者在 作品中对历史创伤的反复回忆, 小说叙事所呈现的多元化特点, 以及作家对/ 人造历史0和 / 自然历史0/ 历史0和/ 此处现在0等概念的区分, 都展现了斯威夫特在遭遇历史书写困境 之时, 对如何还原历史之真, 再现历史创伤的探索与思考 : 5洼地6 格雷厄姆# 斯威夫特 历史 叙事 创伤 : 苏忱, 文学博士, 浙江 学外语学院博士后研究人员, 主要研究当代英国小说 T itle: T he R epresentat ion of T raum at ic Past in Graham Sw ift. s Waterland Abs tract: Waterland, the novel pub lished in 1983, establishes Sw ift. s reputation in literary w orld C rit ics who fo llow in the foo tsteps o f L inda H utcheon . s earliest response to Waterland treat Sw ift. s text as an examp le o f wh at she ca lls / h istor iograph ic m etaf ict ion0 H ow ever, Sw ift. s em- phasis on the d ifferences betw een / art ific ia l h istory0 V S / natural history0 and / history0 V S / here and now 0 reveals his m ed itat ion on the prob lem s o f history as narrat ive, the narration of traum at ic histo ry in particu lar In Waterland, Sw ift exp lores and exhorts the su itable w ays o f w rit- ing and docum en ting the traum atic p ast through rejecting the conventional form s o f narrative, w hich w ith its teleo log ical story is close to m yth M oreover, som e features in narrative langu age can a lso be in terpreted as sym ptom of traum at ic dissoc iation on the part of the narrator K ey w ord s: Waterland Graham Sw ift h istory narrative traum a Au thor: Su Chen, Ph D , is now doing post-doctora l research at Zhejiang U niversity( H angzhou 310058, Ch ina) H er m ain research interest lies in contem porary B rit ish fiction Em a i:l njsu chen @ sohu com 56# 1983 , / 0, 53, 30 , , : , , , 82 外国文学研究 2009 年第 1期 , : / , 0; / ¹ , 0 ( Sw ift 6- 7) , , , , , , 56,


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