城市设计方法在校园单体建筑设计中的运用--以山东大学南新校区核心组团整体设计为例 the urban design methods in the design of single building on campusthe overall design of the core of the new south campus of shandong university.pdfVIP

城市设计方法在校园单体建筑设计中的运用--以山东大学南新校区核心组团整体设计为例 the urban design methods in the design of single building on campusthe overall design of the core of the new south campus of shandong university.pdf

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城市设计方法在校园单体建筑设计中的运用--以山东大学南新校区核心组团整体设计为例 the urban design methods in the design of single building on campusthe overall design of the core of the new south campus of shandong university

规划与设计 PLANNING AND DESIGN 文章编号:1009-6000(2013)04-0060-05 中图分类号:TU98;TU2 文献标识码:B 作者简介:赵斌,山东建筑大学建筑城规学院讲师; 吴宝岭,山东建大建筑规划设计研究院建筑总工,高级工程师; 仝晖,山东建筑大学建筑城规学院副院长,教授。 城市设计方法在校园单体建筑设计 中的运用 ——以山东大学南新校区核心组团整体设计为例 The Urban Design Methods in the Design of Single Building on Campus:the Overall Design of the Core of the New South Campus of Shandong University 赵斌 吴宝岭 仝晖 ZHAO Bin WU Bao-ling TONG Hui 摘要: 本文结合山东大学南新校区核心组团总体设计案例,探讨在高校建设后期将城市设计理念引入 建筑单体设计的必要性和可行性,通过梳理、缝合、嵌入等系列方法,从塑造校园空间环境和 人文气息入手,将建筑单体纳入校园整体空间秩序中进行设计,塑造校园独特的文化空间特征。 关键词: 高校园区;城市设计;梳理;缝合;嵌入 Abstract: By the overall design case of core group of Shandong University campus, this paper discusses the necessity and feasibility of inducting urban design concepts into single building design in the later stage, starting from shaping of the campus space environment and humanity culture via the comb series method such as combing, suturing, embedding single buildings into the campus overall space order in the design to shape the unique cultural space characteristics of the campus. Key words: campus; urban design; comb; suture; embed 随着20 世纪末“科教兴国”战略



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