种族歧视 希特勒.ppt

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种族歧视 希特勒

Racial Discrimination Amy Who Is He? Jews Racial discrimination in America 迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael?Jackson)被誉为流行音乐之王(the?King?of?Pop),是继猫王之后西方流行乐坛最具影响力的音乐家,其成就已超越猫王,是出色的音乐全才,在作词,作曲,场景制作,编曲,演唱,舞蹈,乐器演奏方面都有着卓越的成就。迈克尔与猫王、披头士两组歌手并列为流行乐史上最伟大的不朽象征,他开创了现代MTV,他把流行音乐推向了巅峰,他融合了黑人节奏蓝调与白人摇滚的独特的MJ乐风,时而高亢愤疾、时而柔美灵动的声音,空前绝后的高水准音乐录影,规模宏大的演唱会无不在世界各地引起极大轰动.?他拥有世界销量第一的专辑《THRILLER》,销量达1.04亿(2006年吉尼斯世界纪录认证数据)。据2006年底统计,其正版专辑全球销量已超过7.5亿,被载入“吉尼斯世界记录大全”。 整容前的迈克尔其实是一个很帅气阳光的翩翩少年 上帝并不吝啬他,迈克尔整容前其实是一个很帅很阳光的翩翩少年。可为什么会自己整成这副鬼样子?原因是:他是黑人。 在美国人自认为高贵的血统里,黑人就是他们的奴隶,卑贱而蠢弱。无论你多么有才华,奴隶就是奴隶,永远不可能与他们“举案齐眉”。迈克尔,就是他们眼里的奴隶,玩物,从心底里从来就不接纳他。无奈,迈克尔为了获得美国上层社会的认同,开始整容,换肤,再整容,再换肤、、、、、直至皮肤癌。 迈克尔,经历了所有人梦寐以求的颠峰时刻,也经历了常人所不堪忍受的魔鬼炼狱。 他的人生,是美国种族歧视下的悲剧人生。 Racial discrimination the color problem, refers mainly to Negroes in the United States, as they constitute one tenth of the total population. The term Negro is applied to people descended or partly descended from slaves transported from Africa long ago. It is now avoided by many white Americans for fear of offending their non-white brothers. The old term nigger is now considered to be insulting, and is altogether avoided in decent usage. In official statistics the term non-white is used, and in ordinary situations it is acceptable to call non-white people black, although this term was once also somewhat insulting. Today Today, with the prison population swollen to more than 2 million, African Americans make up just 12 percent of the U.S. population and only 13 percent of drug users, yet account for 35 percent of drug arrests and 53 percent of drug convictions. Blacks are also 43 percent of those on death row. Last year, the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that 30 percent of 12 year-old Black boys will spend time in jail in their lifetimes--far more than will attend college. And because many states have laws denying present and former inmates the right to vote, an estimated 13 perc


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