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语法填空(10分)(共10空,每空1分) (1) King Hiero of ancient Greece once asked a crown maker to make him a 1_______ (gold) crown. But he doubted 2______ it was a real golden crown. So he sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the 3_______ (true). The problem seemed difficult 4_______ (solve), but Archimedes got an idea 5________ he got into the bath. He asked the king 6_______ some gold of the same 7________ (weigh) as the crown. Then he put two pots into two big bowls and filled both pots 8_______ water. He put the gold into one pot, and some water ran into the bowl. He put the crown into the other pot, and more water ran into the bowl. Then Archimedes proved that the crown was not 9________ (complete) made of gold. The crown maker made King Hiero very angry and finally the crown maker 10_______ (send) to prison. (2) Einstein often received 1_______ (invite) to explain his theories at different 2_______ (university). One evening, on 3_______ (they) way to a university, Einstein was tired and he wished he could avoid 4_______ (give) the lecture, but he didn’t want let his audience down. His drive Hans had an idea 5_______ (solve) the problem. 6_______ Hans had listened to the lecture many times, he had learned it by heart. So he could give the lecture 7_______ of Einstein. They did so. And Hans did a good job. But right before Hans left, a man asked a 8________ (difficulty) question. Einstein turned pale. However, Hans was also a genius. He laughed and said it was 9_______ an easy question that his driver could answer it. So Einstein answered the question 10_______ (perfect). (3 ) Paula interviewed two 1 _________ (teenage), Emily and Jerry, for a programme 2_________ family life. There are three people in Emily’s family and five in Jerry’s family, so Jerry sometimes feels 3_________ (crowd) in their little flat. Emily has a lot of possessions, but Jerry doesn’t have many. Emily is not 4__________ (expect) to do housework, but Jerry is. They both like to do thing


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