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考查内容: 基本的语言表达能力和基本的写作技巧 评分标准: 内容(完整性) 语言(语法及用词的准确性和句子结构的复杂度) 文采修辞(连贯性) 一.遣词方面 1.措辞要贴切具体 A man is walking down the street.(走) A man is strolling down the street A man is wandering in the street A man is striding down the street. a nice man generous, humorous, smart, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, hospitable, gentle, optimistic, easy-going , far-sighted, cultivated, manly, intelligent, etc 2.使用高级词汇 This is a difficult job. He learned about everything at last. I should thank you for taking so much trouble to help me. schedule, available, access, annoyed, essential, occupy, fascinate 1.He was angry with his wife because the dinner was badly cooked. 2.You can not get the book now. 3. Students must have opportunity to read good books. 4.Is wealth necessary to happiness? 5.The plane arrived on time. 6.He is busy with a translation of a French novel. 7. The children showed great interest in the toys in the shop windows. 3.避免重复使用词汇 The chart (图表)shows the daily amount of time the students spend on different after-class activities. The students put the most time into their homework, and next in line is watching TV, which takes up 46 minutes. They put in about the same amount of time listening to music and working on the computer. While 25 minutes is spent on sports ,only 12 minutes goes into housework. 他失业了。 He is out of a job. He is out of work. He is unemployed. He is fired. He is laid off. He has lost his job. 4.要善于运用短语 When he was a child, he wanted to learn everything . When he was a child, he had a strong appetite for/ was thirsty for knowledge. Hacker attackers are increasing. Hacker attackers are on the increase/rise. Your work is so good that it cannot be praised enough. Your work is beyond all praise. 二、造句方面:句式要准确而多变. 1.巧用复合句 What’s more, people have easy access to the Internet. The Internet enables them to send and receive e-mails whenever they like. What



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