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The Trashman Warm-up Activity A.What have you ever dream to be? B.Whats your impression of a trashman? C.How much do you know about a trashman ? (their routine work, their daily life and so on). D.Is there any chance that you will become a trashman as a college graduate? ;The Trashman Text Structure Analysis Part One (Para 1-3): The introduction. Paragraph 1 tells us who they are and what kind of work they are doing. Paragraph 2 introduces collecting trash as a dull job; Paragraph 3 is what the trashman has thought about the greetings they would receive from the people they serve for. ;The Trashman Part Two (Para 4-11): What the writer and Steve experienced during their exchanges with the local people. Paragraphs 4 to 6 are about what the writer encountered when he greeted other people. He was shocked by the way people responded to his warm greetings. Here the writer lists some examples to prove his point. Paragraphs 7 to 11 are about what Steve felt about people’s responses to them. More examples are provided to show that people treat trashmen as monsters and look down on them. Parents even tell their children to stay away from trashmen because they think trashmen are dirty. ;The Trashman Part Three (Para 12-13): In this part, the writer explains his attitude in face of the cold responses from the people they served. He will continue to work as a trashman as he thinks that the exercise is great and that he is becoming better at it. He will also continue to greet the people he meets during his work. In addition, he believes he is making his country cleaner every day. ;The Trashman Part Four (Para 14): By quoting John Gardner, the writer comes to a conclusion that trashmen are important just as economists and that trashmen and economists deserve equal respect from the society. ;The Trashman Detailed Study of the Text(Words ,Phrases Study Language points) Para One 1. trash 2. haul 3. Steve and I hauled trash for four solid hours continuously, except for about five m



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