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中 国 教 育 学 会 外语专业教学委员会第16次学术年会 大会主旨发言1: 个人简历 袁振国,中央教育科学研究所所长,教授,博士生导师。2000年任教育部师范教育司副司长,2004年任教育部社会科学司副司长。2007年9月任中央教育科学研究所所长。华东师范大学教授、博士生导师。北京大学、浙江大学、复旦大学兼职教授,是我国著名的教育理论学者。 研究方向有教育政策、教育原理等。科研项目(部分)有:全国教育科学“十五”重点规划课题《我国转型期重大教育政策问题案例研究》 代表性著作包括:《当代教育学》《非智力因素与学习》《新世纪教师教育丛书》《中国教育政策评论》《教育政策学》和《世界教育大事典》等。 ?大会主旨发言2: Donald Freeman 发言题目:What does it mean to “learn” as a classroom teacher?? 发言简介 TITLE:?What does it mean to ‘learn’ as a classroom teacher? Abstract: Most national education systems expect classroom teachers to learn and change throughout their teaching careers. ?National educational reforms and improvements are based on this idea of continued professional learning, and yet the concept itself is not well defined or understood. ?The lack of clarity is largely because the concept of professional learning is complex and messy, and must be understood both from the point of view of the educational system and also from that of the teachers themselves. ?In this talk, I outline the problem of professional learning and discuss what teachers and educational authorities can do to address and work with it. 个人简历 Donald Freeman is a professor at the School of Education, University of Michigan. He?works with undergraduate and post-graduate teacher preparation in all subjects K-12. For 25 years, he was on the graduate faculty at the School of International Training, where he chaired the Department of Language Teacher Education and founded and directed the Center for Teacher Education, Training, and Research, a unit that designed and implemented teacher education projects around the world. He is editor of the professional development series, TeacherSource (Heinle-Cengage), and his books include Teacher learning in language teaching (with Jack C. Richards; Cambridge), Doing teacher-research (Heinle-Cengage). Dr. Freeman is a past president of TESOL, a past member the International Advisory Council for Cambridge University ESOL Examinations (formerly UCLES), and immediate past ch


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