【精选】Ecological Management Decision Support Model.pdf

【精选】Ecological Management Decision Support Model.pdf

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【精选】Ecological Management Decision Support Model

Ecological Management Decision Support Model of the Applegate River Basin Mike Mathews Bureau of Land Management, Medford District, Medford, Oregon The Ecological Management Decision Support Analysis of the Applegate River sub-basin of the Rogue River basin in southwest Oregon resulted from an integrated effort to develop a watershed health assessment tool. The Rogue River Basin Technical Team, an interagency group formed with the cooperation of 25 federal and state agencies, assessed and identified priority restoration work needed across the 33 sub-watersheds in the Applegate sub-basin. The analysis relied primarily on the Ecosystem Management Decision Support model, which evaluated 11 indicators of watershed health. When fire risk was included in analyses, 29 of the 33 were rated in poor health. Excluding fire, 21 sub-watersheds were rated in poor health. Federally managed areas contained 9 of 12 healthy watersheds. Based on instream conditions (four indicators), 25 of 33 sub- watersheds received poor scores. Across the Applegate basin, all floodplains received poor health scores for function. Generally, the upper reaches of the watershed were in better health than the low gradient areas that have the highest potential for structural and biological diversity. Recommendations for restoration differed by elevation and ownership. Accomplishing restoration priorities in the low gradient areas may be complicated due to the predominance of private ownership in those areas. Although this report is directly applicable to the Applegate sub-basin, the ecosystem indicators evaluated, the relationship between indicators, cumulative effects, and rationale u



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