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交直交变频调速系统的仿真研究摘要近些年来,随着现代电力电子技术、计算机技术和自动控制技术的迅速发展,交流传动与控制技术成为目前发展最为迅速的技术之一,电气传动技术面临着一场历史革命,即交流调速取代直流调速和计算机数字控制技术取代模拟控制技术已成为发展趋势。变频调速技术的迅速发展被越来越多的应用于电机控制领域中,是当今节电、改善工艺流程以提高产品质量和改善环境、推动技术进步的一种主要手段。变频调速以其优异的调速和起制动性能,高效率、高功率因数和节电效果,以及广泛的适用范围和调速时因转差功率不变而无附加能量损失等优点而被国内外公认为是最有发展前途的高效调速方式。所以,对交直交变频调速系统的基本工作原理和特性的研究是十分有积极意义的。本文主要研究了变频调速系统的基本组成部分,主要包括三部分:一是将工频电源变换为直流电源的整流模块电路;二是由整流模块和逆变模块回路产生的电压脉动的滤波回路,也称储能回路;三是将直流电源变换为交流电源的逆变模块电路。以Matlab/Simulink为仿真工具,搭建交直交变频调速系统的各部分的.仿真模型,并对仿真结果进行分析研究。了解交直交变频调速系统的基本工作原理、特性以及分析谐波对交直交变频调速系统的影响。关键词:交直交变频,整流,逆变,异步电机,仿真,谐波。AbstractIn recent years, with the development of modern power electronic technology, computer technology and the rapid development of automatic control technology, AC drive and control technology has become one of the most rapidly developing technology at present, the electric transmission technology is being faced with a history of revolution, namely the AC speed regulation system replaces DC speed and computer digital control technology to replace the analog control technology has become the trend of development. The rapid development of inverter technology has been applied more and more in the field of motor control, is the energy-saving, improve the process to improve an important means of product quality and improving the environment, promoting technological progress. Frequency of its superior speed and braking performance, high efficiency, high power factor and energy saving effect, as well as the scope and speed applied widely due to the slip power unchanged and no additional energy loss has been recognized as the governing party is the most promising type. Therefore, study on the basic working principle and characteristics of AC-DC-AC VVVF system is very helpful.This paper mainly studies the basic part of variable frequency speed regulation system, mainly includes three parts: one is the frequency power conversion for the rectifier module circuit of DC power supply; the two is the loop filter voltage pulse generated by



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