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Prepared by Strategy, Risk and Rating 科飞咨询翻译 Table of Contents目录 Subject 1: Background of Performance Excellence and Baldrige Award Overview 主题1:业绩卓越奖的背景以及波多里奇奖的概况 Subject 2: the Core Value of the Baldrige Model 主题2:波多里奇模式的核心价值 Subject 3: Organizational Profile and Organizational Challenge 主题3:组织简介以及组织挑战 Subject 4: The Categories, Items, Areas and Specific questions 主题4:类、条款、区域以及特殊问题 Subject 5: Self-Assessment and Improvements Based on Baldrige Criteria 主题5:基于波多里奇标准的自我评估和改进 主题 6:如何实施波多里奇奖及如何编写自评报告 What do we intend to achieve in the course?本次课程我们要达到的目的?(1) We want to answer the following questions:我们想回答下列问题: What shall we do to ensure the long term success of our business? 我们应该怎样做才能确保商业长期成功? What are the contents and mechanisms of Baldrige Award? 波多里奇奖的内容和评奖机制是什么? Does Baldrige Award provide the framework and criteria for a long term successful business? 波多里奇奖是否为长期成功的商业提供了框架和方法? What do we intend to achieve in the course?本次课程我们要达到的目的?(2) Is our organization ready to utilize the Baldrige Award? 我们的组织是否具备使用波多里奇奖的环境? How to implement the Baldrige Award criteria? 怎样实施波多里奇奖标准? How to carry out self-assessment based on Baldrige Award Criteria? 怎样基于波多里奇奖标准进行自评? 如何编写自评报告? Subject 1 主题1 Background of Performance Excellence and Baldrige Award Overview 业绩卓越奖的背景以及波多里奇 奖的概况 The First Quality Award最早的质量奖(1) The Deming Prize戴明奖 Dr. W. Edwards Deming was a U.S. statistician who taught the Japanese about the basics of quality control in 1950. At this time Japan had been devastated by World War II and its economy was in ruins. Unskilled in the methods of mass production, Japanese factories were turning out inferior products that were hard to sell at any price, and virtually impossible to export. Yet Japan desperately needed export revenues in order to purchase food. The technical knowledge that Deming provided was an important part of the solution. 威廉·爱德华·戴明博士是美国的统计学家,他曾在1950年在日本讲授质 量控制的基础。那个时候日本正处于第2 次世界后的经济萧条期。无大规模生产的技术,


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