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ttisql 控制台命令大全 由canoe发布于参 考 大 全 Command ? Usage Description ? Print brief help information for all commands. ! Executes a command in the history list. autocommit [0|1] Turns the autocommit feature off(0) or on(1). cachegroups [[cache_group_owner_pattern.]cache_group_name_pattern] Reports information on cache groups defined in the currently connected data source. cachesqlget [ASYNCHRONOUS_WRITETHROUGH |INCREMENTAL_AUTOREFRESH] [[cache_group_owner.]cache_group_name] [filename] Generates an Oracle SQL*Plus compatible script for the installation or uninstallation of Oracle objects associated with a cache group using the incremental autorefresh or asynchronous writethrough feature. clearhistory Clears the history buffer. clienttimeout [timeout seconds] Sets client timeout (in seconds) for current connection. close [[connect_id.]command_id] (command_id is an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive. connect_id is used with multiple connections) Closes a result set on the specified prepared SQL statement. closeall Closes a result set on all the prepared SQL statements. columnlabels [0|1] Turns the columnlabels feature off(0) or on(1). commit Commits the current transaction. commitdurable Commits the current transaction durably. compact Compacts the data source. connect [DSN|connection_string] [as ] Connects to the data source specified by the optional DSN or connection_string argument. describe [[owner_name_pattern.]table_name_pattern | procedure_name_pattern | sql_statement | [connect_id.]command_id | *] Reports column definitions and statement parameters associated with the commands argument. disconnect [all] Disconnects from the currently connected data source or all connections when the all argument is included. dssize [k|m] Reports data source size information in kilobytes or megabytes. e: Echo the specified message on this line. exec [[connect_id.]command_id] (command_id is an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive. connect_id is used with multiple conn


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