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1、Open the power behind the instrument and wait for the “Status” light on the panel turns green. 打开仪器背后的电源,等待“Status”灯变绿。 2、Double click the icon of OPUS to open the software. 双击OPUS图标打开软件。 3、The Login dialog box opens. Select your User ID from the drop-down list. If you use OPUS for the first time, the User ID drop-down list includes the two pre-defined user records Default and Administrator. Select either one of them. Enter OPUS in the Password entry field. 在登录窗口从下拉列表中选出你的用户名。如果是第一次运行OPUS,用户名下拉表中Default 和Administrator 可任选一个。 在密码字段输入OPUS,要用大写。 4、We recommend to sellect the standard Default.ows workspace.Click on the Login button and the About OPUS window opens. 建议选择标准“Default.ows”工作台设置。单击登录钮,打开上面的OPUS 窗口。 5、Click on the Advanced tab in the Measurement dialog box., you can click “Load” button to load an XPM file(etc,c:\program files\opus\xpm\MIR_TR.XPM). It is also possible to enter the data path defined for the automatic storing of the measurement. If you change this path, make sure that it does exist. 在Measurement 对话框中点击 Advanced ,在这个页面中再点击“Load”读取一个测量参数文件(例如c:\program files\opus\xpm\MIR_TR.XPM文件)。 选择自动保存的路径,改变保存路径时,必需确认该路径是否已经存在。 6、Select the Check Signal tab in the Measurement dialog box. Make sure that you have checked the Interferogram option button. If no interferogram peak is displayed, you can move the scan region to the left or right using the arrow buttons to find the peak. Once the interferogram peak has been found, its position MUST be stored by clicking on the Save Peak Position button. 在第一次测量之前,正确的干涉峰的位置必须确定并且储存下来。在Measurement 对话框,点击Check Signal ,如下图所示,点击Interferogram,显示干涉图。 如果没有看到干涉图,可以通过移动扫描区域(Scan Range),向左或向 右移动来寻找干涉峰。 一旦找到干涉峰,点击Save Peak Position 将干涉峰的位置储存下来。 7、To start the background measurement select the Basic tab and click on the Background Single Channel button. Before that, make it sure that there is nothing in sample compartment. 确定样品腔内无其他物品后,进入Basic 页面,点击Collect Background 按 钮即可采集背景谱。 8、Having measured the background spectrum, place th


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