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电影《加菲猫》剧本中英文对照完整版 - [ ringing ] - huh? 唔? what the--aw. 什么鬼东... oh-- 哦-- [ groans ] i hate mondays. 我恨礼拜一 [ yawning ] pooky. cover me. im goin in. 卜姬掩护我 我要行动了. alley-- oop! 空中接力! b-b-b-b-b-bah. ha! 啊~啊~啊~啊~哈! [ singsong ] oh. sleeping beauty. wake up. 睡美人~起床啦. you can stop dreaming about me because im here. 不用再梦见我了,我已经在这儿了 now.just wake up. youve got work to do. 快醒来,你还有工作要做呢 youre not just my owner. youre my primary caregiver. 你不光是我的主人 还是我的首席保姆 - now be a-- - not now. garfield. - 现在.. - 我还没睡够, 加菲尔德. get-- a-ah-- just-- all right. 去..啊 好吧 cut the sweet stuff. easy now.just-- 把胳膊拿开些 太紧了 trying to cuddle with me. huh? 想拥抱我是吧? trying to avoid your duties. huh? 想逃避责任是吧? well. that just aint gonna... fly! 好吧,小样你跑不了! it isnt gonna workwith m-- me. 这样可没法糊弄我~~ see. im getting my exercise. doin myjob. 看好了,我可要开始晨练了 just one quick cannonball! 超快速肉弹!! - oh! - morning. - 噢! - 早. garfield! 加菲尔德! ∮∮[jon singing] okay! i thinkyoure clean enough now. 好吧,你现在应该已经洗白白了. - h-h-hot! hot! hot! - gotyourtowel right here. - 烫!烫~~ - 喂你的毛巾在这 garfiield! no! 加菲尔德! 别介! [ beeps ] - its liver flavored. - mm! delicious. - 你的最爱,鹅肝口味的. - 唔真香. [ gags ] mm. mm! 嗯嗯! mm! 嗯! oh! oh. iiver! 噢!鹅肝! - [ spitting ] - well. actually. its liver flavored. 看来的确是鹅肝味的. [ sighs ] that was a good breakfast. 早餐吃的好饱. now i think ill just fall offthe catkins diet... 看来我该换换我的猫食菜谱了... and get myself a little high-fat chaser. 现在该给自己弄点高脂的东东了. mmm. 唔. - garfield. iook. the milk truck. - oh. attaboy. nermal. - 看,加菲尔德,送奶的卡车 - 啊,放松,奴奴. - the milk truck comes every day. - yeah. but maybe not today. - 那卡车每天都来的. - 不过今天够戗. maybe its changing routes. maybe thisll be the last well eversee ofit. 它可能要改变行车路线 也许今天是最后一次见到它了. come on. its just across the street. were cats. we like milk. 来吧,它要到街那边去了 我们是猫,我们爱牛奶 - lets go for it. - no. - 一起去吧 - 不. - but. you--- - but nothin. - 但是--- - 没什么但是. i dont leave the cul-de-sac for anything. 不管发生啥我决不离开死胡同半步. out there. its a hornets nest oftrouble. 只要离开那儿就麻烦不



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