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下文本人所做的翻译是在2005年左右完成,由于局限于对胶体电池的认知程度,可能有局部描述翻译不正确,此文仅供参考,若有异意,以英文内容为准。如有转载,请注明本文出处,谢谢!! Method of making a sealed lead-acid battery with a gel electrolyte and sealed lead-acid storage battery made according to this method 密封铅酸胶体蓄电池的制作方法 ? A method of making a sealed lead-acid storage battery having a plurality of electrodes and a gel electrolyte consisting substantially of sulfuric acid and a gelling agent wherein the gelling is accomplished on the formation charge in the battery jar, is applicable to dry uncharged cells, and no conditioning charge and discharge is needed. 一种胶体电解质(由硫酸和凝胶剂组成)及多电极密封铅酸蓄电池的制作方法,胶体形成于电池内化成充电过程,该方法应用于干未化板电池? Inventors: Chreitzberg; Augustus M. (Yardley, PA); Chiacchio; Frank J. (Bensalem, PA) Assignee: Exide Corporation (Horsham, PA) Appl. No.: 923104 Filed: October 24, 1986 ? Primary Examiner: Skapars; Anthony Attorney, Agent or Firm: Woodcock, Washburn, Kurtz, Mackiewicz Norris Claims What is claimed is: 1. A method of making a sealed lead-acid storage battery having a plurality of electrodes and a gel electrolyte consisting substantially of sulfuric acid and a gelling agent, comprising the steps of: 一种胶体电解质(由硫酸和凝胶剂组成)及多电极密封铅酸蓄电池的制作方法,包括以下 (a) activating a dry unformed battery by filling the battery with sulfuric acid, ?? 干未化板组装电池后加入硫酸。 (b) maintaining the battery on open circuit for a period of time sufficient to chemically bond sulphuric acid as sulfate to the electrodes and lower the specific gravity of the acid to the desired gelling value, 电池开路放置一段时间使硫酸充分与极板反应生成硫酸铅以降低酸比重,达到理想的胶体凝胶值所需。?? (c) dumping the free acid from the battery, 倒出电池内的游离态硫酸。 (d) adding a solution of gelling agent and sulfuric acid to fill the battery to the normal formation level, 加入化成所需要的硫酸及其凝胶剂。 (e) formation charging the battery by applying a constant charge current of 5-16 A/100 Ah for an input of 200-300 Ah/lb. positive active material whereby gelling of the electrolyte is effected, 电池化成用定电流(5-16A/100AH)充电,使充电量达到200-300AH/lb正活物质,并使电解质凝胶理想。 (f


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