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摘要 本文针对混凝土中聚羧酸外加剂与粉状材料之间的适应性进行了系统的试验,研究了水泥中碱含量、水泥细度、粉煤灰级别和掺量、矿粉级别和掺量以及砂石中含泥量和石粉掺量对聚羧酸外加剂性能的影响。通过混凝土配合比的设计及试验,找出了目前影响聚羧酸外加剂适应性的相关因素,并通过试验指导实际生产,对生产过程中的原材料加以控制,从而保证混凝土的各项性能满足施工及技术要求。 试验结果表明,在本实验范围内,随着水泥中碱含量的增加和水泥细度的增加,混凝土拌合物的坍落度损失也随之增大,满足工作性时聚羧酸外加剂的掺量也需相应增大;混凝土早期抗压强度随碱含量的增加略有增大,但后期28d抗压强度变化不明显。随着粉煤灰的品质下降,混凝土拌合物初始坍落度呈下降趋势,混凝土抗压强度逐渐下降;掺入矿粉的混凝土拌合物初始状态较好,掺入 S75级矿粉的混凝土经时损失较掺入S95级的快。当矿粉的掺加量超过一定量时,混凝土拌合物出现离析,且有抓底现象,28d强度下降较明显;随着砂的泥含量增加,混凝土拌合物的性能逐渐下降,在砂泥含量为1.25%~6.25%范围内时,混凝土抗压强度下降不明显,当泥含量大于6.25%时,混凝土的初始和易性已经很差,混凝土抗压强度下降较大;掺入少量磨细石粉的混凝土,其拌合物状态较好,无明显离析泌水现象,随着混凝土标号提高,允许掺入石粉量增多,且混凝土拌合物仍较好。 关键词:聚羧酸外加剂;胶凝材料;粉状材料;适应性 ABSTRACT Nowadays, concrete is the largest consumption of building materials. And concrete admixture is becoming an indispensible component of premixed concrete. The development and application of concrete admixture technology has greatly promoted the concrete technology, such as polycarboxylic type water-reducer. Polycarboxylic type water-reducer which developed and applied in recent years is the third generation of high-performance water-reducer agent. Its advantages are less consumption, higher rate of reducing water, smaller slump loss, no environment pollution and so on. In the present, many large engineering projects have utilized polycarboxylic type water-reducer commonly, such as subway, high-speed railway and so on. During the process of using large dosage of polycarboxylic type water-reducer, the problem of poorer adaptability with some materials and poorer compatibility with some admixture have appeared too, so the efficiency has been reduced and the workability has been affected. The system test of the adaptability of polycarboxylic type water-reducer and powder material of concrete was studied in this thesis. The alkali content and the fineness of cement, the level and adding amount of fly ash and mineral powder, the silt content of aggregate and the content of stone powder have been studied to determine the effect of those factors with polycarboxylic ty


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