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魅力女人的博客 重庆大学2011年12月考试大学英语(2)第三次作业 一、单项选择题(本大题共20分,共 20 小题,每小题 1 分) 1. You might have orange juice ( ) pure water. A. Than B. as to C. instead of D. by 2. I have no doubt ( ) he will overcome all the difficulties. A. whether B. if C. that D. as to 3. Any electrical tools sold in our shop will be ( ) for one year. A. guaranteed B. protected C. ensured D. assured 4. We can only do the job for you ___ the work is paid for in advance A. on condition that??????? B. now that??????? C. just as??????? D. in that 5. ____ lungs are to the body, ____ parks are to the city. A. As...as??????????? B. Like.... as??????????? C. what.... that??????????? D. Just as....that 6. ( ) in England for one year, I’ve got accustomed to English food now. A. Lived B. Living C. Having lived D. Having been lived 7. ( ) than he was asked to start on another journey. A. No sooner he had arrived home B. No sooner had he arrived home C. No sooner did he arrive home D. No sooner he arrived home E. No sooner he arrived home 8. Last week John ( ) his right arm. A. fell and broke B. feel and broken C. fallen and broken D. has fallen and broken 9. I’m awfully sorry for I am not ( ) help you on this matter. A. in a position to B. in the position to C. in position to D. in positions to 10. He was caught by the policeman ( ) a gun at his manager. A. to point B. pointed C. pointing D. point 11. The song sung at the party reminded him ( ) his first lesson during his school-days. A. of B. on C. to D. off 12. How did you ( ) the name Amazon? I mean it has that big, rough sound to it. A. come up with B. put up with C. catch up with D. keep up with 13. Evidently, the untethered electronic voice ( ) human contact. A. prefer to B. is preferred to C. is preferable to D. preferable to 14. The online world is increasingly ( ) the “real” world. A. emerging with B. emerging to C. merging with D. merging to 15. The office he worked for was shut down, ( ) he returned to his hometown. A. However B. otherwise C. w


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