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中国考博辅导首选学校 复旦大学考博英语真题整理汇总 2007 年试题 Vocabu ary and Structure Directions:::: There are 30 incomp ete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best comp etes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding etter on ANSWER SHEET with a sing e ine through the center. Ⅰ 1.A though the fa se banknotes foo ed many peop e, they did not ______ to a c ose examination. A.keep up B.put up C. stand up D. ook up When I bent down to tie my shoe ace, the seat of my trousers ______. sp it B.cracked C.broke D.Ho ed 3.His ______ thighs were bare y strong enough to support the weight of his body. A. inanimate B.rustic C.ma eab e D.shrunken To get my trave ers cheques I had to ______ a specia cheque to the bank for the tota amount. A\make for B.make out C.make up D.make off ( . . ) PS:育明考博课程咨询方式 扣扣:547 063 862 T L:四零零 六六八 六九七八 有售各院校真题 5.She described the distribution of food and medica supp ies as a ______ nightmare. A . paranoid B . putative C . benign D. ogistica 6.A sordid, sentimenta p ot unwinds, with an inevitab e ______ ending. A. mawkish B.fatefu C.be oved D.perfunctory Despite ______ efforts by the finance minister, inf ation rose to 36 points. A.absurd B.grimy C.va iant D.fraudu ent 8.In ______ I wish I had thought about a ternative courses of action. A.retrospec


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