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摘要 机器人技术是综合了许多学科的知识,例如计算机、控制论、机构学、信息和传感技术、人工智能、仿生学等多学科而形成的高新技术,是当今研究领域十分重视的课题,机器人在很多领域都得到广泛应用。 本毕业设计概述了工业机器人的分类、历史以及发展趋势。重在设计研制国产搬运机器人的主臂运动机构,该工业机器人由腰部和大小臂组成,腰部和肩部形成肩关节,大臂和小臂间形成肘关节,使大臂做回转运动和仰俯运动,小臂做回转运动和仰俯摆动。本文主要阐述了如何设计机器人腰部、肩部以及肘部这三个主要关节,每一个关节选择合适的驱动方式、传动方式,通过合适的减速装置最终达到所要求的转速。设计具体包括机器人关节类型确定,谐波减速器的基本结构、工作原理、主要特性介绍与选用以及其减速比的确定,各关节伺服电机的选择计算以及重要部件的具体设计及其校核,如齿轮的设计及校核,轴的设计及校核,轴承的选用及校核。 关键词:工业机器人;搬运;机器人关节;谐波减速器 Abstract Robotic technology is comprehensive knowledge of the many subjects, such as computer, cybernetics, organization learning, information and sensing technology, artificial intelligence, bionics science and the formation of high technology and new technology, it is current research field attach to the subject in many fields, robot used widely. The graduation design summarizes the classification of industrial robot, history and its development trend. Design and develop domestic handling robots on the main arm movement mechanism, the industrial robot composed by the waist and big forearm, the waist and shoulder shoulder, arm formed formed between and forearm, arm elbow turn movement and Yang prone to do exercise, forearm rotation movement and prone to do up swinging. This paper mainly expounds how to design the robot waist, shoulder and elbow the three main joints, every joint choose appropriate drive mode, transmission mode, through appropriate deceleration device finally to reach the required speed. Design specific include robot joints type, the harmonic gear reducer to determine the basic structure, working principle, main characteristic introduction and selection and determination of slowing, each joint than servo motor selection and calculation, and the specific design and an important part of gear check, such as design and check the design and check, shaft, bearing choose and checking. Keywords: industrial robot;Handling;Robot joints;Harmonic gear reducer 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1工业机器人概述 1 1.2工业机器人驱动方式 1 1.3工业机器人的分类 2 1.4工业机器人的历史 3 1.5工业机器人的发展


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