HomeAlone 小鬼当家 教学课件.ppt

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HomeAlone 小鬼当家 教学课件

Home Alone Theme Kevin McCallister, 8 years old, is accidentally left behind while his family rushes to the Airport to go to France for their Christmas vacation. Kevin learns that he made his family is gone. He spends his first day having fun in his house. Kevin learns that Marv and Harry (The Wet Bandits), two crooks are trying to rob his house. Kevin fends for himself and protects his house from the thieves, by setting traps everywhere. Meanwhile, Kevins mother discovers that they left Kevin in Chicago and tries to go back to Chicago while the other members of the family stay in France. The story is ended with all the family members coming back home. Main Characters Kevin McCallister the youngest child of the family, who is cute, clever and brave. Sometimes, he is a troublemaker. Marv Harry (The Wet Bandits ),who are planning to rob every house in Kevin’s neighborhood and are beaten by Kevin at the end of the story. They are evil, clumsy and funny. Kate and Peter McCallister, Kevin’s parents, are careless sometimes. But actually, they love all the kids equally. Linnie Jeff Rod Buzz Kevin’s brothers and sisters, always look down upon Kevin because of his age. But they don’t realize that they themselves are just kids. Old Man Marley, was said to be a killer who killed his family and the neighbors several years ago. In fact, he is a kind and warm-hearted old man who had a quarrel with his son years ago and he saves Kevin in the end. Funny Part Marv and Harry are beaten by traps that were set by Kevin everywhere. Interesting Part The movie that Kevin watches on video tape is not a real film, but footage especially created. It was called Angels With Filthy Souls.“ That’s why Kevin can scare away the burglars with the tape properly. Gangster Johnny: [hears knock at door] Who is it? Gangster Snakes: [Snakes comes in] Its me, Snakes. I got the stuff. Gangster Johnny: Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here. Gangster Snakes: All right, Johnny,


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