HP ISS 教育行业解决方案.ppt

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HP ISS 教育行业解决方案

* This slide shows how easy it is to add disks to a EVA. You add the disks, assign the disks to a disk group and the array automates much of the work. LUNs are automatically stretched across all the disks in the disk group and the data is automatically spread/re-leveled across all the disks. First click – disks are added Second click – disk group is enlarged Third click – data is re-leveled across all disks in the disk group. * Provisioning - From Initialization through Host Attachment For this study, provisioning is the creation of an accessible storage space, as well as the division of that space and its attachment to a host or server. Provisioning begins once the storage system has been physically installed, connected to the storage and management networks, and initialized. The chart on the following page shows the relative cumulative results for all three vendors. As you can see, the HP EVA system is clearly more efficient by all four measurement criteria. While the cumulative results are based on different criteria, this representation shows how all four factors interact for administrative complexity and time spent. HP Create Disk Groups — On initialization, the HP EVA system creates a default Disk Group comprised of all the active disks on the system. This Disk Group is ready for use immediately, though it can be reconfigured if desired. Among the reasons for multiple disk groups is the need to keep similarly performing disks together — i.e., 15 K disks in their own group and 10 K disks in another. The EVA recognizes the different disk types and creates separate disk groups automatically. If disk groups are to be created manually, it takes 2 steps with about 10 clicks and only 10 seconds for each group created. Adding hosts — Hosts are discovered and identified by the World Wide Name (WWN) and are added to the Hosts Group and presented to the VDisk. This takes 2 steps with 7 clicks and about 10 seconds. Create VDisk — This task creates the virtual disk and


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