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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福双语阅读之真正值得分享的事情-智课教育旗下智 课教育 本文和大家分享的托福阅读材料是真正值得分享的事情,大家可以 通过阅读积累其中的高分词汇及句型,并且练习提升阅读速度,迅速找 到托福阅读的主题句和出题点。 在一个随时上推特和更新个人状态的时代,我们经常发布个人生活 中鸡毛蒜皮的琐事,但保留真正要紧的。今天的托福阅读材料为大家带 来五位专家认为真正值得分享的事情。 You Dont Have All the Answers 你并非知道所有答案 By and large, people dont like to live in the realm of not knowing. Its terrifying. Which is why everybody wants to have all the answers. Atheists think science has the answers. Religious fundamentalists believe their particular theology does. But not knowing is a richer and more gratifying place to be. I have no idea whats going to happen to me, why the universe is the way it is, or what will happen to my life force once my body stops working. You probably dont, either. So just breathe and live in the great, beautiful mystery. And floss regularly. 总体来说,人们不喜欢“不知道”的状态。这感觉可怕。所以,每 个人都要知道所有答案。无神论者认为科学有答案。宗教原教 旨主义者 认为其特殊的神学可以提供答案。但“不知道”让人的生活更加丰富多 彩 ,更加令人愉悦。我不知道自己将来会发生什么事情;为什么宇宙会以 这种方式存在;还有,如果我的身体停止工作后 ,我的生命力会如何变化 。你可能也不知道。那么 ,就好好呼吸吧 ,好好活在这个伟大的、美丽 的谜团中吧。然后 ,再三天两头梳理一下。 You Spent a Small Fortune on Yourself 你给自己花了一小笔钱 Even in this day and age, many people still dont level with their spouses about how much they paid for some coveted service or item, like a salon treatment or a fancy new grill. Indeed, it can be difficult to own up to, say, a $70 haircut at a chic salon when your husband shells out just $22 at the barber. But keeping money secrets in a relationship creates bigger conflicts down the road. Sure, in this economy, sharing such information may lead to a discussion about cutting back. But your partner will also get a better understanding of what you value most— and those conversations will ultimately bring the two of you closer. 即使如今这世道,对一些奢侈的享受或者物品 ,还有很多人没对配 偶报实账 ,如纤体保养或一台新款的烧烤炉。实际上,的确很难坦白说 ,比如你花了70美元去一家美发沙龙做头发,而你老公在理发店只花了 22美元。但夫妻之间对金钱保密 ,随着时间的推移 ,会引起更大的冲突 。当然 ,如今这样的经济形势下,分享这些事情可能就会讨论到减少开 支。但伴


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