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Unit 3   Amplification           Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 I. Amplification in English-Chinese Translation 增词法在英汉翻译中的运用 II. Amplification in Chinese-English Translation 增词法在汉英翻译中的运用 Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 BACK           单元要点概述           实用翻译训练英译汉:Two Bills       实用翻译训练汉译英:梅贻琦       I. 增词法在英汉翻译中的运用     1. 增添原文所省略的词语??? 2. 增添必要的连接词语     3. 表达出复数概念????????? 4. 把抽象概念表达清楚     5. 逻辑性增词????????????? 6. 概括性增词     7.从修辞和连贯角度考虑增词 8. 重复性增词         II. 增词法在汉英翻译中的运用     1. 增添必要的代词?????? 2. 增添必要的冠词     3. 增添必要的连接词语?? 4. 增添必要的介词     5. 增添必要的背景词语           本单元对英译汉、汉译英的增词法作了探讨、归纳。作为翻译的一个普遍准则,译者不应对原文的内容随意增添或缩减。不过,由于英汉两种语言文字之间所存在的悬殊差异,在实际翻译过程中我们很难做到词字上的完全对应。因此,为了准确地传达出原文的信息,译者往往需要对译文做一些增添或删减。因此有人认为,好的译文一般会略长于原文—因为原作对于原文读者来说很少有语言文化上的障碍,而译文读者却没有这样的便利,因此译者往往需要把原文中隐含的一些东西需要增补字句,以便于读者理解。           英译汉的增词主要是出于汉语表达的考虑,用增词法译出原文所省略的词语,增添必要的连接词、量词或复数概念,或从修辞连贯诸方面考虑,使译文符合汉语习惯表达法。           汉译英的增词旨在使译文符合英语的语法结构和表达习惯,常用于代词、冠词、连接词语及介词的增添。         Practical Translation Training           1. English-Chinese Translation         Two Bills           When Bill Clinton and Bill Gates played golf on Martha,s Vineyard a few year; ago,they didnt click. The President gave Gates a heavy dose of the Clinton treatment,oozing charm and seeking emotional common ground in the fact that both had recently lost their mothers. Clinton must have been disappointed by the cool response of Gates,who saw the subject as unduly personal. Gates,for his part,was put off that Clinton didnt engage him on his favorite topic,technology. When the golfing ended, the two men went their separate ways. Gates didnt take sides in the Clinton-Dole election a couple of years later. Clinton let his Justice Department pursue a potentially devastating antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft.       Its not hard to see why these two larger-than-life figures—one is the worlds most powerful man,the other is the richest-didnt become fast friends: the


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