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大学英语复习测试 English Text Unit 2 All Talk 命题:XXXXXXXX Part Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Structure. ____ the emergence of the Internet and other global communication technologies, the world has become a much smaller place. In B. With C. On D. By 解析:( B )根据题意可知,题中所少的部分应是一个介词,根据固定搭配with the emergence of (随着…的出现) 四个选项中,符合题意的是答案B。 The languages ____ the cultural characteristics and practices of that place. takes on B. takes up C. takes off D. takes down 解析:( A )句子的意思可以大致理解为:英语,它会呈现出当地的文化特点和惯例习俗。四个选项中符合题意的是A。 take on,呈现,具有(特征,外观等); take up,继续,接下去; take off, 起飞,急忙离开,突然大受欢迎; take down, take sth down拆除,拆卸,拆掉 It’s likely that in the future , most people will be bilingual or even ____ , possibly using English as the language of business and their mother tongue for daily or routine tasks. monolingual B. multilingual C. much D. more 解析:( B )空白的地方,根据前后可理解为将来,很可能会有很多人会说两种或三种语言……,根据分析各个选项的意思,可得符合题意中空白处的含意应该是多种的,即B。其中,bilingual是‘双的’的意思,而四个选项中 monolingual,单一的; multilingual,多种的; Non-native English speakers may not be able to be participants in the community ,thus creating a privileged elite ____ access to communities ____virtue of their knowledge of the prevalent language. with by B. by with C. as on D. on as 解析:( A )题意:英语不是母语的人们可能无法融入进去,而那些英语为母语的人们凭借着熟练的语言知识成为特权精英。本题考的是介词的应用,那么根据的一些搭配,with the access (with the right or opportunity to have or use sth)拥有某种权力做…,by virtue of(as a result of)凭借,由于,所以答案就是A。 He was ____ from the London branch to the Edinburgh branch. transferred B. transformed C. transported D. transmitted 解析:( A ) 根据题意,可分析出这样一个意思 ,他从伦敦分工司调往爱丁堡分工司。 transfer,转移,调动; transform,改变,变形; transport,搬运,运输; transmit,发射,播送 As the world decreases ____ size and societies and cultures merge, these peripheral languages disappear. in B. at C. on D. with 解析:( A ),随着世界在各种社会和文化的不断融合下不断变小,那些边缘性的语言就不断消失了。在某一方面怎么样,一般用介词in 选项中,只有答案A符合题意。 Many recognize the importance of English and the necessary to learn English or potentiall


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