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线缆专业英语词汇参考 单线:insulating 绞对:pairs twisting 成缆:stranding cable 护套:sheathing 市话缆:Local Telephone Communication Cable 环保型程控交换电缆: Environmental protective Switching Cable 铜丝:Bare copper conductor 镀锡铜丝:Tinned annealed copper conductor 聚丙烯:PP 聚乙烯:PE 聚氯乙烯:PVC 聚酯:PET 电气性能:Electrical performance 线对导体直流电阻不平衡:Max DC Resistance unbalance 工作电容:Mutual capacitance 线对对地电容不平衡:Capacitance imbalance pair to ground 绝缘电阻:Min insulation resistance 绝缘介电强度:Dielectric strength 特性阻抗:Characteristic impedance 固有衰减:Max attenuation 近端串音衰减功率和(对于每单元8对):Min power sum NEXT(for 8 pairs of every unit) 导线断线、混线:Break mix between wires 机械性能:Mechanical performance 导体抗张强度:Tensile strength of conductor 导体断裂伸长率:Elongation of conductor at break 导体耐腐蚀性能:Corrosion resistance of conductor 绝缘抗张强度:Tensile strength of insulation 老化前:Before ageing 老化后:After ageing 绝缘的冷弯曲试验:Cold bending of insulation 绝缘热收缩:Shrinkage of insulation 绝缘的抗热冲击:Heat shock on insulation 无裂纹:No crack 护套抗张强度:Tensile strength of jacket 护套抗张强度变化率:Variation rate of tensile strength of jacket 护套断裂伸长率:Elongation of jacket at break 护套断裂伸长变化率:Variation rate of Elongation of jacket at break 护套的抗热冲击:Heat shock on jacket 护套的高温压力试验变形率: High temperature-pressure test of jacket distortion rate 电缆冷弯曲:Cold bending of Cable ----------待续 电线电缆行业词汇 湿式中拉机? medium wet drawing machine 中拉机? medium wire drawing machine 中拉? intermediate drawing 中拉机? intermediate wire drawing machine 中拉机、大拉机? coarse wire drawing machine 粗-细线拉线机、中拉机? coarse-fine wire drawing machine双节距束线机? double-twist bunch strander 双节距[双倍]束线机? double-twist bunching machine 双节距高速束线机? double-twist laying-up machine 复合束线、复[混[合束线? compound bunch 磨光机、束线机? buffing machine v 束线、束绞 n 束线? bunch v 束线、束绞? bunch-strand 束绞铜束线? bunch-stranded copper conductor 束线、绞合线? bunched wire 束线机? buncher 束线机? bunching machine 灌注? potting 双面双层十六头纱包机 16- head double-side douoble-rosette cotton covering machine) 立式双层鼓轮? vertical double draft bull block 双层编包风雨线? weatherproof d


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