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2011中考核心词汇 able:[eibl] 有能力的;能干的:He is an able teacher.be able to 能,会:He is able to swim. 他会游泳。 about[?baut] 关于;对于:I know all about it. ; 在?的各处; 在?的附近He is walking about the town大约:It is about ten o’clock. What about playing basketball on Sunday morning? above [?b?v] 在……上面:The lamp hangs above the bed. above与over:两者都可表示“高于”,over 主要表示垂直方向的正上方,而 above 则不一定表示正上方(即可以是正上方也可以不是正上方)abroad [?br?:d] adv. 到国外,在国外:I want to study abroad in the future. His friends are going abroad on holiday. 他的朋友准备出国休假。 【注意】abroad是副词所以说 go abroadabsent [?bs?nt] 缺席的,不在场的 he is absent on business. accept [?ksept] 接受, 领受 Please accept me as a friend accident:[?ksid?nt] 事故,灾难:There has been a traffic accident. by accident 偶然,无意中,不小心:We met each other again completely by accident.[?ks?nt] 口音 he speaks with strong southern accent across:[?kr?:s] prep. 穿过,横穿: The old man went across the river by boat.[另一边]; the pay phone is( across from )the shop. 短语: go across 横过 go across the road across from 在?对面 act:[?kt] 1.行动, 做 The time for thinking is past, we must now act. 2.表演 Oliver is acting tonight. action:[?k??n] 行动, 活动 The time has come for action. 短语:action movie take action active [?ktiv] adj. 积极的:He always takes an active part in the class activities.。 be active in 积极参加:He is active in politics. ctivity [?ktiviti] n 活动 there will be lots of activities for kids add:[?d] v. 添加 add some names to the list address:[?dres] n. 地址could you tell me your address advice:[?dvais] n. 建议,忠告 can you give me some advice 短语:a piece of advice give some advice / ask for some advice ask sb for advice follow one’s advice advise:[?dvaiz] v.建议,忠告advise sb to do sth / advise sb not to do sth our teacher advise me to do more sports afford. [?f?:d] 有足够的(钱,时间)做某事:Today many families can afford a car. 如今很多家庭买得起车I cannot afford the time to go to the market today. 今天我抽不出时间去市场了fraid:[?freid] adj. 害怕的:Most people are afraid of snake. 大多数人都怕蛇。 【短语】be afraid of 害怕:He i


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