必修一unit4 Earthquake导学案完整版.docx

必修一unit4 Earthquake导学案完整版.docx

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必修一unit4 Earthquake导学案完整版

Unit4 Period 1 Warming up and Reading班级 组名 姓名 得分 【学习目标】1. Get the students to know basic knowledge about natural disasters.2. Get the students to learn about Tangshan Earthquake and understand the text.3. Get the students to learn different reading skills.【教学重难点】:1.Master the new words ,phrases and useful expressions in the text .2. Train the students’ reading ability to understand the content of the text in detail .3.Get the students to master the Attributive Clause introduced by that ,which ,who and whose .【温故互查】I. 重点单词1.________ vi / n. 爆裂;爆发 2._______ n.事件,大事 3.________ 废墟,毁灭 4. ________ 极度的 5.________ 破坏,毁坏,消灭 6. _______(使)震惊,震动;n.休克,打击7.________ n/vt. 使陷入困境 n.陷阱,困境 8. ________ n/vt. 援救,营救 9.________n.灾难,灾10. ________ vt. 埋葬,掩埋 掩藏11.________ n/vt.损失,损害 12. ________n.裁判员,法官 vt.断定,判断,13.________vt.损害,伤害,_____ n.伤害,损害 _____adj.受伤的 14. ________n.电 ,电流,电学 _______ adj. 用电的,带电的 ________adj.与电有关的15________vt,使惊吓,吓唬 _____ adj. 受惊吓的______-adj.令人恐惧的 16. _________n.祝贺 ,___________vt.祝贺II. 重点短语 right__________ 立刻burst ___ ____ = burst ____ ____突然大哭_____ _____ end结束 lay _____ _______成为废墟dig _____ 掘出,发现 be _____ ___ / bury _____ ___专心… ___(_____) number of大量的 give _____ 分发,发出(气味,热等) ________ from / by 从…判断 be ____ __ = take _____ __为..感到自豪___ honor ___ 为了纪念… tens ___ __________ of 成千上万 get _____ __________ 做好充足准备 ________ sth. for sth. 为…做准备begin to __________ 开始复苏 __________ of 取代 think ______ ___ 对…考虑少 think ______ of对…高度评价__________ workers营救人员be _____ =be missing 丢失 build _____ ___ _____ 为幸存者建造避难所put ___搭建(临时住所等)be pleased ___ __很高兴做…break _____爆发be ________ under sth被困在下面wake ______叫醒某人【设问导读】Step1.Lead-in1.Who can remember what happened in Yushu,in Qinghai Province in the year 2010? A terrible earthquake broke out there on April 14th.More than 2,200 people were killed.2.Do you know any other natural disasters? tornadoes;typhoons/hurricanes;volcano eruption;drought;floods;etc.3.Do you know why an earthquake happens? The plates are moving constantly.Sometimes these


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