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Lesson?37 The Westhaven Express Express going, sent or delivered quickly (进行﹑ 传递或运送)迅速的: express delivery 快递 (2) fast train that stops at few stations 快车: the 8.00 am express to Nanjing 早上8点开往南京的快车. (3) service provided by the post office, railways, road services, etc for carrying goods quickly (邮局﹑ 铁路﹑ 公路等部门提供的)快邮, 速递, 速运: send goods by express 特快货运 EMS express mail service (4) ~ sth (to sb) show or make known (a feeling, an opinion, etc) by words, looks, actions, etc (用语言﹑ 神色﹑ 动作等)表示或表达(感情﹑ 意见等): 客人们临走前表示了谢意. The guests expressed their thanks before leaving. We have learnt to expect that trains will be punctual. After years of conditioning, most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables. 我们已经习惯于相信火车总是准点的。经过多年的适应,大多数人对火车时刻表产生了一种不可动摇的信念。 Punctual If you are punctual, you do something or arrive somewhere at the right time and are not late. a. 准时的( = neither early nor late ) Be punctual in doing sth 在做。。。事方面相当准时 --In the modern society, we must be punctual in what we are doing . Be punctual to the minute 非常的准时 --He is a man who is punctual to the minute. Punctually Unpunctual Punctuality Condition ~ sb/sth (to sth/to do sth)accustom sb/sth; train sb/sth(=Form a habit in) 使某人[某事物]习惯; 训练某人 --Society has conditioned each one of us. 这个社会已经使我们大家都适应了。 Be condition to --Each one of us has been conditioned to society. --the plants have been conditioned to the cold weather here.. ( plant 做主语) --The cold weather has conditioned the plants here. (cold weather 做主语) n. 条件 on condition that 在……条件下如果 on no condition 在任何情况下都不 (用在句首句子必须采用倒装) 在任何情况下都不能迟到。 On no condition must you be late. in good/bad condition情况良好(不好) keep faith with sb 对某人守信用 put one’s faith in sth 对……有信心 词汇比较: faith 深信不疑,信仰(比belief 程度更重一些) belief 可信赖,可接受 conviction坚定的信念 trust 相信,依赖 credit 完全相信 --I have full credit in your ability to do this job. have learnt to expect that …… 已经习惯于期待…… --We have learnt to expect that all friends will be


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