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摘 要 当前我国城市轨道交通正处于飞速发展的大好时机,地铁、轻轨、单轨和磁悬浮等各种城市轨道交通系统如雨后春笋般在全国各大城市出现。城市轨道交通车辆也一再提速,所以也要提高对制动系统的要求。因此,成为了技术发展的。一直以来,由于传统的设计方法在产品的开发周期以及开发成本上大大的限制了向更高层次的迈进,但是随着多体动力学技术和计算机应用水平的日益成熟,通过运用多体动力学建立虚拟样机这一方法,使得建立的虚拟样机并应用于系统的设计和优化成为可能。 Abstract In current ,city rail traffic is in the rapid development of the opportunity in our country. Subway, light rail, monorail and magnetic and other various city track traffic system like bamboo shoots after a spring rain as appears in the national each big city. The braking system requirements must be improved, because City track traffic vehicle has speed. Therefore, the braking system for city rail transit vehicles has become a major topic of technology development of city rail transit vehicles. All along, since the traditional design methods in the product development cycle and the development cost significantly restrict the brake system to a higher level of forward. But now, with the development of the multi-body-dynamics and the widely use of computer, using this theory to build a virtual-motor-prototype enabled the virtual prototype to be developed for entire machine. In this paper, I aim at analyzing the feature, structure, manner and the principle of the braking system of Rail vehicle and introducing the definition, background, significance and application of Virtual Prototyping Technology. Besides, the structure and principium of the unit tread brake type PC7YF is also introduced .It is well known that virtual prototyping technology is widely used in offering more efficient way for optimal design and greatly reducing the production cycle and simplifying the mechanical design. Key words: rail vehicle; braking system; PC7YF; unit tread brake; Virtual Prototyping 目录 摘 要 I 第一章 绪论 - 1 - 1.1课题背景 - 1 - 1.2城市轨道交通车辆制动的发展 - 1 - 1.2.1早期的制动方式 - 1 - 1.2.2现代化的制动系统 - 1 - 1.3 本论文的研究内容和方法 - 2 - 第二章 虚拟样机 - 3 - 2.1虚拟样机的背景 - 3 - 2.2虚拟样机的定义和特点 - 3 - 2.3虚拟样机的应用 - 4 - 第三章 制动装置 - 5 - 3.1制动装置的特点 - 5 - 3.2制动装置的组成 - 5 - 3.3城轨制动方式 - 6 - 第四章 轨道交通车辆的制动计算 -


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