模拟联合国Draft Resolution范例.doc

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模拟联合国Draft Resolution范例

Draft Resolution Committee: Human Rights Council Signatories: Angola Azerbaijan Canada Chile China Cuba Egypt France Gabon Germany Ghana India Indonesia Italy Madagascar Malaysia Pakistan Qatar Republic of Korea Saudi Arabia Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Zambia Human Rights Council, Deeply convinced that children’s rights, high on the list of essential human rights in the first international human rights agreement- the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, should be guaranteed globally to the largest extent, Recognizing the ultimate importance of the Convention on the Rights of The Child (1989), Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (1999), and the reports A World Fit for Children (2002) and The End of Child Labor-Within Reach (2006) and its role on the eradication of child labor, Urging all countries to sign and ratify the above mentioned conventions and other instruments of the framework to prevent and abolish child labor, Remembering the paramount contribution given by different cultures, religions and civilizations to the establishment of the legal framework against Child Labor and recognizing the need to interpret these legal instruments based in such diversity, Taking into consideration that countries have different economical, social and cultural backgrounds and such difference influence policies and results in each state, Aware noting also that universal education for children in a community based approach is the main form to achieve universal eradication of child labor, Welcoming all regional initiatives to improve the current situation of children all around the world, Bearing in mind noting with concern the deleterious effects of the recent financial crisis on the child labor problem, Fully aware that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor, To act under the guidance of United Nations, as well as the basis of the Universal Declaration of human rights, minimum age conve


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