Global Anti-money Laundering Software Industry(反洗钱软件) 2016 Market Research.docx

Global Anti-money Laundering Software Industry(反洗钱软件) 2016 Market Research.docx

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Global Anti-money Laundering Software Industry(反洗钱软件) 2016 Market Research

Global Anti-money Laundering Software Industry 2016 Market Research ReportChapters1 Industry Overview1.1 Basic Information of Anti-money Laundering Software1.1.1 Definition of Anti-money Laundering SoftwareAnti-money laundering software is software used in the finance and legal industries to meet the legal requirements for financial institutions and other regulated entities to prevent or report money laundering activities. There are four basic types of software that address anti-money laundering: transaction monitoring systems, currency transaction reporting (CTR) systems, customer identity management systems and compliance management software.1.1.2 Classifications of Anti-money Laundering SoftwareTable Classifications of Anti-money Laundering SoftwareClassificationsExplanationTransaction monitoring softwareFocusing on identification of suspicious patterns of transactions which may result in the filing of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) or Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs). Identification of suspicious (as opposed to normal) transactions is part of the KYC requirements.Currency transaction reporting (CTR) softwareDealing with large cash transaction reporting requirements ($10,000 and over in the U.S.)Customer identity management softwareChecking various negative lists (such as OFAC) and represent an initial and ongoing part of Know your customer (KYC) requirements. Electronic verification can also check against other databases to provide positive confirmation of ID such as (in the UK: electoral roll; the share database used by banks and credit agencies; telephone lists; electricity supplier lists; post office delivery database.Compliance management softwareHelping firms comply with AML regulatory requirements; retain the necessary evidence of compliance; and deliver and record appropriate training of relevant staff. In addition, it should have audit trails of compliance officers activities in particular pertaining to the handling of alerts raised against cust


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