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2005 Directions: The students’ Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included. My Idea of A University Arts Festival Outline 1: Opening: With merely four months to go before the arts festival starts, my fellow students are getting increasingly enthusiastic in brainstorming for the significant event. In my opinion, typical activities such as performances, forums and lectures on art should be taken into consideration. 第一句话直接对directions 中的句子进行改写。适时添加细节“With merely four months to go before the arts festival starts”, 学生提意见使用了词组“get increasingly enthusiastic in brainstorming for”。后一句话提出全文主 旨,表明将从三方面建议:组织活动,论坛及讲座。 Main body: 分论点一: The festival itself is an image-creating undertaking. Students should be attracted to the festival at the first glimpse,so fascinating performances, for instance, pop music, ballet dancing and instrument playing ought to be put on. 既交代了为什么要组织精彩的活动(如:The festival itself is an image-creating undertaking;Students should be attracted to the festival at the first glimpse),也交代了该组织哪些活动(fascinating performances, for instance, pop music, ballet dancing and instrument playing)。注意组织活动 to put on performances。可使用被动语态做句式上的变换。 分论点二: Certainly only performances are too superficial. To help students take a deeper insight of arts, forums and lectures must be held. Forums can be held through BBS owning to the wide accessibility to Internet, whereas professors and experts can be invited to give lectures concerning basic knowledge of art and the role that art plays in daily life. 同上,搞论坛和讲座(放在一起谈)的原因(only performances are too superficial;To help students take a deeper insight of arts),也交代了如何组织(Forums - through BBS;Lectures – to invite professors and experts)。 Ending: In brief, a university arts festival must embrace rich content. Undoubtedly, rich content can be realiz


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