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魔兽的一些官方术语翻译   AC - Armor Class or Defense.盔甲的等级或者防御(感觉防御应该是AD)   Add - An extra monster has joined an existing battle.额外的怪物加入已存在的战斗   Alt - A character on your account other than your main character.帐号中的非主要角色(可以理解为小号)   AOE - Area of Effect Damage. This is a spell that hurts a group of monsters in an area like Blizzard in Warcraft III.破坏范围(主要是法术的破坏范围或辅助范围)   AE - Area Effect影响范围   AFK - Away from Keyboard. This means the player is away from his computer.玩家离开   Aggro - This means the monsters are mad at you and youve activated them to attack you. They are now in the motion of trying to reach and attack you. The Murloc aggroed on me! or The Murlocs will aggro if you get too close怪物已经疯狂,正在逼近并主动攻击角色   Aggro Radius - The radius around the monsters where they will wake up and attack you.激活怪物的范围(就象魔兽里在商店买东西要不打扰中立怪物)   Agi - Agility敏捷   Avatar - Your character玩家的角色   Bind - Determines where you will respawn when you have died. To Bind means to set your bind point.重生点,设置重生点   Buff - A beneficial spell cast on a monster or player. An example of a buff is the Priests Inner Fire or Shamans Bloodlust.施放到玩家角色或怪物的有益法术效果   Carebear - Player that prefers to help other players attack monsters rather than attack other players in player vs. player combat.玩家在pvp中帮助双方攻击怪物而不是攻击某玩家   Caster - A character that stays on the back row to heal or cast spells on the enemy, such as a Mage.角色在队伍后治疗或者向敌人施放法术(象法师)   Cheese - To exploit an imbalance in the game.发掘游戏中的不平衡地方   Creep - Monster怪物   Critters - Monsters that dont attack back, like a bunny or deer.怪物不回击(象兔子或鹿)   DD - Direct Damage. This is a spell that does all of its damage in one hit rather than spreading its damage over time.直接伤害,不包括法术产生的累积伤害   DMG - Damage伤害   DOT - Damage over time累积伤害   DPS - Damage per second每秒伤害   De-Buff - A negative spell cast on a unit that makes it less powerful. An example of a de-buff is Slow.对单位产生的降低能力的法术效果   FH - Full Health满生命   FM - Full Mana满魔力   GM - Game Master. Someone employed by Blizzard Entert


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