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目 录 论可持续发展的生态旅游 3 一.生态旅游概念的发展与真正内涵 4 二.生态旅游在我国的现状 6 1.旅游资源的粗放式开发和盲目利用 6 2.风景区生态环境系统失调 7 3.风景名胜区环境污染严重 8 三.生态旅游可持续发展对策 8 1.加强森林公园建设,保护森林资源。 9 2.统一规划、有序开发。 9 3.增强环保意识,强化法制观念。 10 四.怎样确保对策的实施 11 1.立法保护生态环境 11 2.进行旅游环保宣传 12 3.多种技术手段加强管理 12 论可持续发展的生态旅游 【摘要】:可持续发展是当今社会讨论最激烈的话题之一,一个项目是否能够长久的发展下去人们会把是否威胁环境当做首要考虑的问题。应为现在的环境再也不允许我们肆意的,无节制的挥霍下去。当生产开始注重节能环保时,旅游业也在往这方面发展。1999年是国家旅游局规定的生态旅游年。世界人士预测,以走向保护区、亲近大为主题的生态旅游热将在全球兴起。就在人们为我国旅游业面临难得的机遇而欣喜若狂时,我们必须高度重视的是旅游业对环境造成的近期和远期的危害。开始发展生态旅游意味着我们准备以一种坚持的态度保护环境,为可持续发展贡献一份力量,千万不要打着生态旅游的幌子来破坏旅游环境。因此,必须对生态旅游的真正内涵加以,结合我国的实际制订出生态旅游的法制法规和管理措施,以此来保护我们的自然景观与文化遗产,使旅游业成为一种可持续发展的绿色产业。Abstract:Sustainable development is the most fierce in todays society to discuss one of the topics, a program is not able to long-term development on whether people will put the threat environment as the primary consideration question. Should be the environment dont allow us to wanton, immoderate splurge on. When the production began to pay attention to energy conservation and environmental protection, tourism also toward this aspect development.1999 is the national tourism administration of the ecological tourism year provisions. The world predict to reserve, close is the theme of the \ecological tourism wave\ will be in the global rise. In people for Chinas tourism industry faces the rare opportunity and on top of the world, we must attach great importance to the tourism industry is on the environment caused by the short-term and long-term harm. Started to develop ecological tourism means that we are prepared to a kind of attitude to environmental protection and sustainable development contribute strength, must not under the guise of ecological tourism to destroy tourism environment. Therefore, we must have the real connotation of ecological tourism, and combining with Chinas actual to develop ecological tourism legal regulations and management measures, so as to protect our natural scenery and cultural heritage, tourism became a kind of sustainable development of


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