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ACT 1-1 “ 我明天一早就得交稿。” 【故事梗概】 Robbie在自己的房间里为高中的校刊写关于毕业感受的文章,Philip敲门进来,为他送来一些吃的东西。父子二人小谈了一会儿。 Robbie: Who is it? Philip: Dad. Robbie: Come on in, Dad. Philip: I thought you might be hungry. I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. Robbie: I am hungry. Thanks, Dad. What time is it, anyway? Philip: Ten oclock. What are you working on? Robbie: Im writing a story for the high-school paper. Philip: Cant you finish it tomorrow? Robbie: No, I have to turn it in in the morning. Philip: Whats it about? Robbie: Im writing an article on the feelings about graduation. Philip: And... how do you feel? Robbie: Me? A little scared and excited, too. Philip: I felt the same way. Robbie: The scary parts leaving home and moving to college. Philip: Oh, leaving home is part of growing up. Well, dont work all night. Robbie: I dont mind. I enjoy writing. Philip: Well, maybe you should think about becoming a writer. Robbie: Maybe I should. Philip: You have lots of time to decide. Robbie: Thats the worst part -- making decisions. Philip: Youll be OK. Good night, Son. Robbie: Good night, Dad. 【语言点精讲】 1. Who is it? 谁呀?在问是谁叫门、打电话、有事来访等时都这样说。 2. Come on in. 请进来。等同于”Come in.” 3. What are you working on? 你在忙什么?注意重音落在work上,on是介词,所以不重读。 4. Cant you finish it tomorrow? 明天再接着写完它不行吗?这里Philip使用了否定疑问句,他的意思是:你非得连夜赶写么?别累着自己。 5. I have to turn it in in the morning. 我明天一早就得交稿。 turn it in: 交(稿),交作业;交上去,交进去。 6. The scary parts leaving home and moving to college. 害怕的是要离开家去到大学里住了。 the scary parts...的意思是“让人发怵的是…,令人不安的是…”。这里的part指事情或过程的某一方面,相当于thing。下句中出现的part也是这种用法: Thats the worst part -- making decisions. 7. I dont mind. I enjoy writing. 我不在乎。我喜欢写作。 I dont mind. : 我不在乎。相当于“It doesnt bother me. ” enjoy doing something: 乐于做某事,喜欢做某事。 ACT 1-2 “ 没想到他是Philip的同班同学。” 【故事梗概】 早上,在Robbie吃早饭的时候,Grandpa 和Philip唱着密歇根大学的校歌走了进来。他们告诉Robbie该校到纽约考查新生人选的招生主任Charley Rafer是Philip的同学,而且Charley已经同意为Robbie安排面试。 Grandpa Philip: “Hail to the victors valiant, Hail to the conquering heroes, Hail, Hail to Michigan, the champion


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