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吐露秘密 说实话…… As a matter of fact, ... Who won the golf tournament? (那场高尔夫球比赛谁赢了?) Well, as a matter of fact, I did. (其实,是我赢了。) Actually, ... To be honest, ... To be frank, ... Frankly speaking, ... Truthfully, ... (老实说……) In all actuality, ... (实际上,……) *正式的说法。 别告诉任何人。 Dont tell anyone. Dont tell anyone. (别告诉任何人。) I wont. (我不会的。) Keep it under your hat. *一种惯用说法。 我有件事要坦白。 I have a confession. *confession “坦白”、“告白”、“供认”。 I have something to confess. I need to tell you something. (我有事必须告诉你。) I have a confession to make. 我有一个秘密。 I have a secret. Im keeping a secret. 我把一切告诉你。 Ill fill you in. *fill...in“填满……”、“把……装满”。 So, what happened to my father? (那,我父亲出了什么事情?) Ill fill you in. (我把一切告诉你。) Ill tell you all about it. Ill explain everything. Ill tell you all the details. 我就直说吧。 Ill level with you. *level 表示“把……弄平”,但在这儿表示“说话不拐弯,直说”。 Quit lying to me! (不要对我说谎话。) All right. Ill level with you. (好吧,我就直说吧。) Ill tell you frankly. Ill be frank with you. Ill be open and sincere with you. Ill tell you the truth. (我告诉你真相。) 我知道的大概就是这些。 That is about all I know. What else do you know? (其他你还知道些什么?) That is about all I know. (我知道的大概就是这些。) I dont know anything else about it. Thats all I know. 我们关起门来在这儿说。/我们私下里说。 This is just between you and me. *比较轻松的说法。直译为“你我俩人之间的事”。 This is just between you and me. (我们关起门来在这儿说。/咱们俩私下里说。) What is it? (什么事呀?) Lets keep our talk between us. Lets keep this our little secret. 这是一个秘密。 Its a secret. 我告诉你一个秘密。 Let me tell you a secret. 他不能保守秘密。 He cant keep a secret. 你的嘴不严。 Youve got a big mouth! 我不敢对我的老板说。 I dont have the guts to say that to my boss. *guts表示“勇气”。 听小道消息说。 A little bird told me. *说不清楚是从哪儿听来的,或者不愿意说出是从谁那儿听来的情况下使用。 A little bird told me that today is your birthday. (听说今天是你的生日。) Wait. Who told you? (喂!谁告诉你的?) I heard it through the grapevine. *grapevine 原意为“葡萄藤,葡萄属植物”,这里表示“谣言,传闻”。比较常用。 I just overheard it. 我什么都没说。 I didnt say anything. *表示自己没有泄密的说法。 I kept my mouth shut. I didnt let the cat out of the bag. *表示“没有泄露秘密”的固定说法。


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