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上海对外经贸大学2017年研究生入学考试模拟题翻译基础模拟试题(150分 180分钟)一、短语翻译(1)短语翻译(英译汉)(30分)1.After Tax Profit Margin2.technology constrains 3.due diligence groups 4.in all weathers 5.take long-term view 6.take-home income 7.smear campaign 8.price-fixing 9.outstanding debt10.Arms Length Transaction (2)短语翻译(汉译英)(30分)旧习难改一着不慎,满盘皆输小事聪明,大事糊涂孰能生巧自食其果样样精通者样样不精君子之交淡如水今日事,今日毕活着对别人贡献最多的人,活得最有意义授人以鱼不如授人以渔二、篇章翻译(1)英译汉(50分)Itis close to ten years since America’s housing bubble burst. It is six since Greece’s insolvency sparked the euro crisis. Linking these episodes was a rapid build-up of debt, followed by a bust. A third instalment in the chronicles of debt is now unfolding. This time the setting is emerging markets. Investors have already dumped assets in the developing world, but the full agony of the slowdown still lies ahead.。Debt crises in poorer countries are nothing new. In some ways this one will be less dramatic than the defaults and broken currency pegs that marked crashes in the 1980s and 1990s.Today’s emerging markets, by and large, have more flexible exchange rates, bigger reserves and a smaller share of their debts in foreign currency. Nonetheless, the bust will hit growth harder than people now expect, weakening the world economy even as the Federal Reserve begins to raise interest rates.In all three volumes of this debt trilogy, the cycle began with capital flooding across borders, driving down interest rates and spurring credit growth. In America a glut of global savings, much of it from Asia, washed into subprime housing, with disastrous results. In the euro area, thrifty Germans helped to fund booms in Irish housing and Greek public spending.As these rich-world bubbles turned to bust, sending interest rates to historic lows, the flow of capital changed direction. Money flowed from rich countries to poorer ones. That was at least the right way around. But this was yet another binge: too much borrowed too fast, and lots of the debt taken on by firms to finance imprudent projects or


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