A Changing Global Economy, A Changing IMF(拉加德东京年会年会致辞:前路展望)(中英对照).doc

A Changing Global Economy, A Changing IMF(拉加德东京年会年会致辞:前路展望)(中英对照).doc

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Annual Meetings Speech: The Road Ahead—A Changing Global Economy, A Changing IMF 年会致辞:前路展望——日益变化的全球经济,不断改变的基金组织 Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织总裁 克里斯蒂娜·拉加德 Tokyo, Friday, October 12, 2012 东京,2012年10月12日 Introduction—the World Comes to Japan 引言——四海共聚于日本 Ohayo gozaimasu—good morning! Ohayo gozaimasu——上午好! Mr. Chairman, governors, honored guests: on behalf of the International Monetary Fund, let me welcome you all to these Annual Meetings. Tokyo e yokoso! 主席先生,各位理事,尊敬的各位来宾:首先,我谨代表国际货币基金组织,欢迎各位莅临本届年度会议。东京欢迎您(Tokyo e yokoso) ! Let me acknowledge and thank His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Naruhito, for being with us this morning. We feel deeply privileged by his presence. I would also like to thank our Japanese hosts for their incredible hospitality. And let me bid a very warm welcome to my friend President Jim Kim, who is taking part in his first Annual Meetings. I know how he feels—I was in his shoes last year! 我感谢皇太子徳仁亲王今天上午出席我们的会议。对于他的到来,我深感荣幸。我想要感谢日本主办方的盛情款待。同时,也请允许我向我的朋友金墉行长致以诚挚的欢迎。这是他首次出席年会,我可以体会他此刻的心情——去年的这个时候,我也有着同样的心情! When the Annual Meetings were last held in Tokyo, back in 1964, Japanese Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda said that “the vital challenge which we all face, whether domestically or internationally, is to promote stable economic growth and reduce the disparity between the rich and the poor.” As the old saying goes: the more things change, the more they stay the same (plus ?a change, plus c’est la même chose). 上一次在东京举行年会是在1964年。那届年会上,日本首相池田勇人曾说过:“我们所有人面临的一个重大挑战是,要推动经济稳步增长,并缩小贫富差距,无论在国内还是在国际层面上均如此。”而俗话说得好:变化越多,越容易保持永恒 Japan has come a long way since 1964. 从1964年至今,日本走过了漫长的路程。 I have just returned from Sendai, the scene of last year’s devastating earthquake and tsunami. The scene of so many lost lives, so many shattered dreams. And yet I saw a city born anew. I saw firsthand the amazing efforts of the Japanese people in rebuilding their country and their lives. I saw courage and confidence. 我不久前刚刚去过仙台,那个城市在去年


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