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英语词汇 题型:词汇;阅读理解;翻译;作文。我将词汇部分整理如下,疏漏之处请批评指正! ——Jade 词汇(Unit1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,10) Unit 1 People in business or politics often exploit language to gain power or status. exploit =take advantage of 利用 In interviews, people usually use mainstream language instead of slang. mainstream=very formal 主流的 Some English teachers think learning slang is not a priority. They prefer to teach standard English. priority=important thing 优先考虑的事 Language changes from decade to decade. Many expressions that were fashionable in the 1950s were out of style in the 1960s. decade=period of 10 years 十年 The two people were close friends, so they used colloquial language colloquial=informal 口语化的 The teacher couldn’t tolerate the student’s bad language, so he ordered her to leave the room. tolerate=accept 忍受 Slang is not accepted in all situations because it deviates from standard, more formal expressions. deviates=differs from 偏离 Even today, very conservative people often persist with the idea that slang is unacceptable in all situations, even informal ones. persist with=continue to feel strongly about 坚持 We construct our own style of speaking based on what we’ve heard throughout our lives. construct=build 构建 In some societies, language is associated with social class and education. People judge one’s level in society by the kind of language used. associated with=connected to 与。。。相联系 The use of language is a complex phenomenon. Linguists, sociologists, anthropologists, and psychologists are all trying to understand it better. phenomenon=event 现象 Many slang expressions that are acceptable in informal situations are taboo in more formal contexts. taboo=not allowed 禁忌 code-switching = switching from one language, or variety of language, to another one in the same conversation, especially by people who are able to speak both languages equally well. 语言转换 discourse=the language used in particular kinds of speech or writing. 特定专题的会话用语 street talk=very informal spoken language that includes new and some


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