DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE – FLOW CHART - Home - :纪律处分程序–流程图回家的—.doc

DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE – FLOW CHART - Home - :纪律处分程序–流程图回家的—.doc

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DISCIPLINARY POLICY ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNING BODY ON ……………………….. REVIEWED EVERY 3 YEARS AT FIRST GOVERNORS’ MEETING OF THE ACADEMIC YEAR. REVIEW DATE : ___________________________________________ SIGNED: ______________________________________________ DATE: ____________________ CONTENTS Introduction Principles Scope of procedure Informal action Investigation/charges by external agencies Complaints regarding conduct outside work Suspension Investigation Disciplinary hearings Levels of disciplinary sanction Formal verbal warning Formal written/final formal written warning Dismissal/action short of dismissal Review of warnings Appeal Special circumstances INTRODUCTION The purpose of this policy and procedure is to encourage and support all employees working in schools, and centrally employed teachers, to achieve and maintain acceptable standards of conduct and behaviour. This procedure has been adopted by the Governing Body of ____________________________ School on ____________________ (date) and is based upon the model procedure recommended by the Local Authority (LA) following consultation with the teachers’ associations and support staff trade unions. PRINCIPLES In following this procedure schools are seeking to address issues relating to conduct or behaviour. It is essential that staff within schools and the Local Authority (LA) are aware of the high standards of conduct expected of them. Individual staff members should also be mindful of the standards of their own professions, e.g. the GTC Registered Teachers Code of Conduct, as well as relevant national guidance. All employees have a personal responsibility to maintain appropriate standards of professional conduct. All employees should be treated fairly, reasonably and consistently under this policy. Where disciplinary action is being considered employees should be encouraged to consult with their trade union or professional association. No hearing or committee meeting will be arranged to c


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