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The counsel on the foreign relations issued a paper earlier this year by saying that US troop provides its grand strategy towards China centering on balancing out its rising power instead of assisting its ascendancy. What’s your idea on this? Is that the time to revise the general strategy? For US and China… NO, I think we have the right strategy. I think that it would be a mistake for the world, for China and the United States to engage in a kind of new cold war. Over China’s economy, you said something about China’s rise economy, the number one possible.. It is not possible. It is certain. It is absolutely certain China will be number one economy in the world. That doesn’t frighten us, we welcome that. As long as everybody is playing by fair and sensible rules as long as China uses that power for good purposes and sensible purposes in terms of its regional influences or impact, there is no reason to get into the confrontation which nobody benefits from. 早些时候美国外交关系协会早些时候发布一份声明,指出美国在对华策略上要专注于平衡或是抑制它不断上升的力量而不是帮助它上升。你怎么看这个问题呢?现在是改变总策略的时机吗?因为美国和中国。。。不,我认为现有的策略是正确的。我认为对世界,对中国和美国来说,发起新的冷战是一个错误。 关于中国经济,你刚刚说中国的经济将有可能成为世界第一。这不是可能,而是绝对会发生的。中国一定会成为世界最大的经济体。但我们不会为此惊恐,我们持欢迎态度。只要每个国家都能运用公平合理的规则办事,只要中国出于良好的,合理的目的,使用自身的地区影响力,那么没有理由要和它对抗。而且这样谁也不会受益。 When responding to the Wall Street Journal question on China’s attitudes towards the changes of the world order, President Xi said that China has no intention to overturn the existing global governments and has no intention to set up a parallel system, but given the fact that we do need to improve the current global governance and given the rise of China’s influence so how can we build a mechanism and process to accommodate such change and manage the risk? 在回答华尔街日报提出的中国对于世界秩序变化的态度时,习近平主席说中国不打算推翻现有的国际政府,或是建立一个平行政府。但是事实上,我们确实需要改善全球治理,中国的影响力也不断提升,所以,我们如何去建立一个机制,过程,容纳这样的变化,治理危机呢? We think the way of build it is by bilaterally working together to understand how we define our power as two nations that have such reach in the world and have su


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