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英语的时态和语态概念:在英语中不同时间发生的动作谓语动词的表达形式也不一样,这就是时态。时态和时间紧密相连。目标:口语突破语法。实施步骤: 【1:弄懂语法含义及构成 2:收集实用句子 3:反复操练句子 4:举一反三】一:现在进行时概念:表示现在正在进行和发生的动作。构成: be(am,is,are)+现在分词现在分词的构成:1)一般在动词后面直接加-ing:eating, drinking, reading2)以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉e再加-ing:come-coming, write-writing3)需要双写最后一个字母的:shop-shopping sit-sitting stop-stopping run-running swim-swimming get-getting begin-beginning plan-planninghit-hittingbeg-begging put-putting travel-travelling win-winningcut—cutting wrap-wrapping skip—skipping clap—clappingregret—regretting forget--forgetting例句:1:I’m working on it.2:He’s looking for a part-time job. 3:She is cooking/sleeping. 4:They are talking about you. 5:We are having English class. Can you call again later?6:It’s raining hard/again/outside. 7:What’s so funny? Why are you laughing? 8:The phone is ringing. Please answer it for me. I’m taking a shower. 9:Who are you taking to? I’m talking to my mother. 10:You’re making great progress in English.你的英语有了很大的进步。 (练习:用look for,wait for,talk about练习造句)特殊语法一:现在进行时表示将来: 1:I’m leaving/coming. 2:My parents are coming to see me. 3:Heis leaving for Hk tomorrow. 4:What are you doing later? 5:I’m not working next week. 6:We’re having a party next weekend.7:I’m not going out tonight. I’m staying at home.8:What are you doing later?特殊用法二:与always,constantly等连用,含有说话人的主观色彩:1:You are always complaining. 2:She is always changing her mind. 3:I am always forgetting people’s names. 4:You’re always watching TV, You’re always playing computer games.请随时随地脱口而出下列句子: 1:What are you doing? 5:I’m reading./working. 2:What’s he doing? 6:My mother is cooking/sleeping. 3:What are they doing?7:I’m not going. 4:Where are you going?9:She is getting fatter and fatter. 10:It’s getting hotter and hotter. 11:Ever day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.二:过去进行时概念:表示过去某个时刻或某个阶段正在进行的动作。构成:was/were + 现在分词 1:What were you doing at this time last night? 2:It was raining hard when I went to scho


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