Introduction to Game Development - NCTU国立交通大学.ppt

Introduction to Game Development - NCTU国立交通大学.ppt

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Introduction to Game Development - NCTU国立交通大学

3D Graphics API DirectX 9.0 SDK – Direct3D OpenGL 2.0 2D API DirectX 9.0 SDK - DirectMedia Win32 GDI Input Device DirectX 9.0 SDK – DirectInput Audio DirectX 9.0 SDK – DirectSound / Direct3DSound / DirectMedia OpenAL * System Layer – APIs (1/2) OS API Win32 SDK MFC Network DirectX 9.0 SDK – DirectPlay Socket library * System Layer – APIs (2/2) 3D Scene Management System Scene Graph Shaders 2D Sprite System Audio System Gamepad Hotkey Mouse Timers Network DDK Interface * Engine Layer (1/2) Terrain Advanced Scene Management – Space Partition BSP Tree Octree Character System Motion Blending Techniques Dynamics Collision Detection SoundFX User Interface * Engine Layer (2/2) NPC (Non-playable Characters) Game AI Path Finding Finite State Machine … Avatar Combat System FX System Script System Trading System Number System … * Game Play Modula Visual C++ .NET 2003 Visual C/C++ 6.0+ SP5 DirectX (Current 9.0c) or OpenGL (v.2) NuMega BoundsChecker /products/devpartner/visualc.htm Intel vTune (效能分析器) /support/performancetools/vtune/v7/#anchor2 3D Tools 3dsMax/Maya/Softimage In-house Tools * Game Development Tools * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their attitude towards a product, service, concept, advertisement… * * * * * * * * * DevPartner for Visual C++ BoundsChecker Suite is a powerful set of software development and testing tools that enable Windows C/C++ application teams to build reliable, high-performance applications and components for native Windows platforms. * Introduction to Game Development Game Platform Game Types Game Team Game Development Pipeline Game Software System Tools * Introduction to Game Dev PC Single player Match makings MMOG (Massive multi-player online game) Web-based Games Console Sony PS2 MS Xbox Nintedo GameCube Arcade (coin-operated entertainment machine) Mobile GBA Hand-held * Game Platform Designed for Office Application Not for Entertainment A Virt


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