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Unit2 判断题 Ireland is part of Great Britain.(F) 爱尔兰是英国的一部分。 Ulster,referring to Northen Ireland,was once an ancient Irish Kingdom.(T) “阿尔斯特”,指的是爱尔兰北部,曾经是一个古老的爱尔兰王国。 The capital of Belfast is large city with half a million people.(F) 贝尔法斯特的首都是一百万人的大型城市。 Northern Ireland is significant because of its manufacturing industry.(F) 北爱尔兰是重要的因为它的制造业。 The majority of Irish people were descendants of the original Celtic people who inhabited Britain Isles before the Romans arrived 2000 years ago.(T) 大部分爱尔兰人最初的凯尔特人的后裔的人居住英国群岛2000年前在罗马人到来之前。 Most Britain people are Protestants while most Irish people are Catholics.(T) 大多数英国人是新教徒,大多数爱尔兰人都是天主教徒。 The Britain government does not have direct rule from London over Northern Ireland.(F) 英国政府没有从伦敦直接统治在北爱尔兰。 Sinn Fein is a legal political party in Northern Ireland.(T) 新芬党是一种合法的政党在北爱尔兰。 The Anglo-Irish Agreement of 1985 guaranteed the loyalist Protestant community their right to decide their future in Northern Ireland.(T) 盎格鲁-爱尔兰1985年协议保证忠诚新教社会的权利来决定他们自己的未来在北爱尔兰。 The Good Friday Agreement was approved on April 1998.(T) 耶稣受难日协议在1998年4月批准。 Northern Ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions:that of Repulic of Ireland and that of Great Britain.(F) 北爱尔兰的今天是由独立的司法管辖区:爱尔兰和英国的谈话。 选择题 In the 17th century,the English government encouraged people from Scotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland,because A . 在17世纪,英国政府鼓励人们从苏格兰和英格兰北部爱尔兰移民朝鲜,因为 。 they wanted to increase its control over Ireland 他们想增加其对爱尔兰的控制 B、they had too many people and didnt have enough space for them to live Britain 他们有太多的人,没有足够的空间让他们住英国 C、they intended to expand their investment 他们打算扩大他们的投资 D、they believed that Ireland was the best place for them 他们认为爱尔兰对他们来说是最好的地方 Northern ?Ireland is the smallest of the four nations,but is quite well-known in the world for D . 北爱尔兰四个国家的是最小的,但是在世界上非常著名的是 。 Its most famous landmark,the Giants Causeway 最著名的地标,“巨人堤道” Its rich cultural life 其丰富的文化生活 Its low living standards 低生活水


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