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Section 4 Course 3 并列谓语句的翻译 并列谓语句是指一个主语携带两个谓语或者多个谓语,中间用逗号隔开。两个谓语之间通常按照事件(event)所发生的先后顺序time order,因果关系cause-and-effect、并列关系排列。 例文 在我国,越来越多的人认识到吸烟对健康的危害, 要求在公共场所禁烟的呼声越来越高。 In our country, more and more people have now come to realize the harm tobacco does to health, making louder and louder appeal to the public for the ban on tobacco smoking in public places. 并列谓语句的翻译策略 1. 使用非谓语形式翻译其中一个谓语 例文1 一颗炸弹在火车站爆炸了,造成了15人死亡, 46人受伤。 A bomb exploded in the railway station, killing 15 passengers and wounding 46 others. 例文2 改革的总体目标是(通过职位分类和聘任制的实施,) 淡化“官本位”,打破“铁饭碗”,让我市行政机关公务员队伍更专业、更高效、更廉洁。 water down bureaucracy supremacy , break iron bowl The overall objective of the reform is to water down the idea of bureaucracy supremacy and to break the iron bowl, making the army of civil servants in our city administrations more professional, efficient, and clean( of corruption). 2. 并列谓语句翻译为非限定性定语从句 例文 2007年底,欧盟委员会通过了欧盟能源技术战略计划,明确提出鼓励推广低碳能源技术,促进欧盟未来能源可持续利用机制的建立和发展 At the end of 2007, EU Commission, which had passed an EU strategic plan for energy technologies, clearly stated that it encouraged the spread of low-carbon energy expertise to promote the founding and development of a mechanism for sustainable utilization of its future energy. 3. 含有“是”的并列谓语句 通常采用翻译为同位语的策略 例文 1 今天的中国是一个有着十三多亿人口的发展中大国, 仍然必须首先保障广大人民的生存权和发展权,不然一切其他权利都无从谈起。 Today’s China, a large developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion, should still give top priority to ensuring the greatest possible majority of its people the rights to subsistence and development; otherwise, there would be no other rights to speak of. 例文 2 中国是一个人口众多、资源相对不足的发展中国家。 中国主要依靠本国的矿产资源来保障现代化建设的需要。 China,a developing country with a large population and a


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