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葛洪魁 , 林建民 , 王宝善等 . 编码震源提高地震探测能力的野外实验研究 . 地球物理学报 ,2006 ,49 (3) :864~870 (in Ge H K ,Lin J M ,Wang B S ,et al . A field experiment study of improving the seismic detectability with coded source . Chinese J . Geophys . Chinese) , 2006 , 49 (3) :864~870 编码震源提高地震探测能力的野外实验研究 葛洪魁1 , 林建民2 , 王宝善1 , 宋丽莉1 , 罗桂纯3 , 陈 1 中国地震局地球物理研究所 ,北京 100081 2 中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学学院 ,合肥 230026 3 中国地震局地震预测研究所 ,北京 100036 1 摘 要 地球深部结构研究是地震预报和地球动力学研究的基础 ,传统人工地震受到探测深度 、分辨率或震源能 量的环保限制 ,探索利用小能量震源进行深部高分辨率探测技术具有重要意义 . 本文借鉴雷达探测中的编码原理 , 开展了震源编码探测实验 ,利用人工震源向地下发送具有独特特征的随机编码序列脉冲 ,作为一次等效激发 ,利用 准确记录的编码震源的源函数与地震连续观测的互相关进行“解码”分析 ,获取地下信息 ,形成编码地震探测技术 . 实验表明编码地震能够大幅度提高地震探测能力 ,利用小能量震源获得远距离的探测和高分辨率 ,是一种具有重 要发展前景的人工探测技术 . 关键词 编码震源 , 互相关 , 信噪比 , 探测能力 , 野外实验 文章编号 0001 - 5733(2006) 03 - 0864 - 07 中图分类号 P631 ,P315 收稿日期 2005 - 07 - 15 , 2005 - 12 - 16 收修定稿 A f ield experiment study of improving the seismic detecta bility with coded source GE Hong2Kui1 , L IN Jian2Min2 , WANG Bao2Shan1 , SONG Li2Li1 , LUO Gui2Chun3 , CHEN Yong1 1 Institute of Geophysics , China Earthquake Administration , Beijing 100081 , China 2 School of Earth and Space Science , University of Science and Technology of China , Hefei 230026 , China 3 Institute of Earthquake Science , China Earthquake Administration , Beijing 100036 , China Abstract The deep earth structure is the basis of earthquake prediction and geodynamics. Detecting with natural seismic source , i . e . , earthquakes , can reach large depth but with lower resolution. Traditional active exploration can attain to high resolution but at shallow depths , as the charge of explosion is limited by environmental factors. It is desired to develop a new technique to detect the deep structure using a low2energy seismic source . In this paper , we present a new approach to detect the low signal 2to2noise ratio ( SNR) seismic signal using the coding theory that is well used in radar detecting. A field experiment was carried out . We


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