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WebBuilder是一款跨平台、数据库和浏览器的可视化Web应用开发平台。WebBuilder使用了多项最新的技术,使Web应用的开发更快捷和简单。一、安装方法 1、安装任意类型的一款 JAVA Web 应用服务器(如 Tomcat)和数据库(如 MySql),并且在 Web 应用服务器中创建一个 JNDI 链接串,以访问所创建的数据库。 2、解压缩下载的安装包 webbuilder.zip,并把 wb 目录部署到 Web 应用服务器。例如,您使用 Tomcat, 那么可直接复制 wb 目录至 Tomcat 的 webapps/wb 目录。 3、打开浏览器并访问 [http://ip:port/wb],使用安装向导来完成 WebBuilder 的安装。例如,访问 http://localhost:8080/wb 4、使用管理员帐户登录到系统,管理员默认用户名称和密码均为 admin。How to use PHP to collect Form data?Before you read this tutorial please make sure you understand the basics of creating forms as explained in this article: /forms.htmlCreating Forms. We assume you have already created your form and now your next step will be to collect the entered data after the users pressed the Submit button.In this tutorial we will use PHP to collect the form data, because the mailto: action which was used in the /forms.htmlCreating Forms tutorial is not the most reliable way to collect data in a form. For more detail about this please read this article: /forum/viewtopic.php?t=135/forum/viewtopic.php?t=135Notes: ? Make sure your web server supports PHP otherwise this solution will not work!? Quick n Easy Web Builder does have a built-in /form_wizard.htmlPHP form processor. When using that option you do not need to write any code manually. *** Recommended for beginners! ***Step 1Create a new page in and call it feedback. This is the page that will be displayed after the data has been submitted, so this page may contain a thank you for your submission message or any other content you prefer.Step 4Replace yourname@ with your own email address.Step 5Go back to the page with your form and set the action property of the form to feedback.php.Verify that the method is set to POST.? Also remove the content of the encodingtype field so that its empty. Step 2Open the page properties of the new page and set the file extension to PHP. Step 3Open Menu-Page HTML, select Start of Page and copy/paste this code:?php $mailto = yourname@; $subject = Feedback form; $messag