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精诚翻译 拨--打【4000-—537-407】 精诚翻译全网最低5元百字起(市场价格10元,比传统翻译机构低40%左右,互联网+时代,省去中间的环节,价格低于翻译行业任何家翻译机构,5年经验保证,首推先翻译后付费模式,无效免单,免费试译,免费修改,为很多的大型外企和国企翻译过许多专业文件。五周年庆,五折优惠中 联系我们 请 搜索 精诚翻译 Fit to serve 貌而美则仕 NAMED last week as his partys candidate for the French presidential election, Nicolas Sarkozy faces an opponent, Ségolène Royal, who has the press drooling[1]. “Dazzling” and “radiant”, she has been likened to a work of art (“Mona Lisa”) and a mythological figure (a “siren”). Nicolas Sarkozy上周被其所在政党提名为法国总统候选人。他的对手是Ségolène Royal,法国媒体对她“令人目眩神迷”和“亮丽逼人”的美貌不吝溢美之词,还把她比作是蒙娜?丽莎和希腊女神。 Perhaps Mr Sarkozy should pay a visit to Chattanooga, Tennessee. The citys former mayor, Bob Corker, faced a similar problem in his Senate race last November. He prevailed against a congressman, Harold Ford junior, who was once counted among the 50 “most beautiful” people on Washingtons Capitol Hill. (1)In response, Mr Corker hurled one of the strangest insults in campaign history. He accused Mr Ford of being “an attractive young man”. 也许Sarkozy应该去造访一下田纳西的扎塔努加市。该市前任市长Bob Corker在去年11月角逐参议院席位时也遇到了同样的问题。他的对手是曾被评为美国国会山“最美50人”之一的众议员小Harold Ford。为了击败Ford,Corker找到了一个堪称美国竞选史上最奇怪的理由攻击他,指责福特是“一个迷人的小青年”。最终Corker取得了胜利。 “This is not a beauty pageant[2],” Ms Royals detractors are fond of saying. But what makes them so sure? (2)The days are gone when a person would “vote for a pig if his party put one up,” as one British voter put it in the 1950s. Today, politicians must be well-groomed animals, selling their personalities not their parties. Looks can have an especially powerful influence on the minority of floating voters who determine election results, says Linda Bilmes, a professor of government at Americas Harvard University.? Royal的对头们总爱说:“这不是选美。”可他们凭什么这么肯定?上世纪50年代英国一选民说,“如果政党推举一头猪参选,我们就投票给这头猪。”但那个年代已经过去了,今天的政客们要打扮得衣冠楚楚才行,他们推销的不是个人形象而是他们的政党。哈佛大学政治学教授Linda Bilmes认为,对于那些能够左右选举结果的少数摇摆不定的选民而言,候选人的外貌能够产生特别大的影响力。 In Ecuador, for example, Rafael Correa won the presidency last year with headline-friendly promises and camera


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