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认知语义学主要的阅读参考文献 1. 英语文献 Topic 1. What is Cognitive Semantics Croft, William and Alan D. Cruse. 2004. Cognitive Linguistics. CUP. Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. 1999. Philosophy in the Flesh. Basic Books. Sinha, Chris. 1999. Grounding, Mapping and Acts of Meaning. In T. Janssen and G. Redeker (eds.). Cognitive Linguistics, Foundations, Scope and Methodology, 223-256. Mouton de Gruyter. Ungerer, Jans-Jorg; and Friedrich Schmid. 1996. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Longman. Topic 2. Conceptual Structure and Embodiment Clausner, Timothy and William Croft. 1999. Domains and Image Schemas. Cognitive Linguistics, 10, 1, 1-32. Gibbs, Raymond and Herbert Colston. 1995. The Cognitive Psychological Reality of Image Schemas and their Transformations. Cognitive Linguistics, 6, 4, 347-378. Lakoff, George. 1987. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. University of Chicago Press. Johnson, Mark. 1987. The Body in the Mind. Chicago University Press. Langacker, Ronald. 1987. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar. Vol. 1. Stanford University Press. Turner, Mark. 1996. The Literary Mind. OUP. Topic 3. The Encyclopedic View of Meaning Croft, William. 1993. The Role of Domains in the Interpretation of Metaphors and Metonymies. Cognitive Linguistics, 4, 335-370. Fillmore, Charles. 1982. Frame Semantics. The Linguistic Society of Korea (ed.). Linguistics in the Morning Calm, 111-137. Fillmore, Charles. 1985. Frames and the Semantics of Understanding. Quaderni di Semantica, 6, 222-254. Langacker, Ronald. 1987. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar. Vol. 1. Stanford University Press. Topic 4. Categorization and Cognitive Models Lakoff, George. 1987. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. University of Chicago Press. Taylor, John. 1995. Linguistic Categorization (second edition). OUP. Topic 5. Metaphor and Metonymy Barcelona, Antonio 2000. Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads: A Cognitive Perspective. Mouton de Gruyter. Dirven, R. and Ralph Porings. 2002. Metaphor


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